Saturday, October 3, 2020

Tasty Dishes At Sam Po Restaurant, Ipoh Garden East, Ipoh

COOLING NIGHT...   It has been raining for the last couple of days, cloudy days in the mornings and rains when it comes to evening.  So cooling that I do not need to switch on the air con for the last couple of nights.  Good in a way but not so good when it comes to going out for dinner.   

My friends came to pick me up for dinner around 6.30pm and this time we went to Sam Po, Ipoh Garden East.  The last time I went there was many years ago, maybe around 8-10 years ago?  Not sure, anyway, when they suggested going there, I readily agreed.  Even though it was drizzling, I was surprised that most of the tables were either reserved or already filled with patrons like us.  

For the five of us, we ordered four dishes such as these.... 
Claypot curry fish head filled with vegetables as well... 
Very appetizing!
3 cups chicken... not sure why it is called by this name...
One thing I know is that this dish is filled with basil!
I love the smell and taste of Basil in my dish!
The basil enhances the flavour of this 3 cup chicken.... 
Another appetizing dish!
Yam basket filled with assorted vegetables... 
Beancurd ... I never thought this dish would be so yummy!
Credit goes to the toppings... 
The generous toppings of dried shrimps, onions, garlic and spring onions is the winner!
Overall, it was a very tasty dinner.... 
No one had any negative comment to say... 
Even though the cost of this 4 dishes came to RM90.50 plus rice and drinks... 
Not too bad... 
We might come again to taste other dishes some day!
(Provided no MCO.... so sad!)


  1. Hot or cold my aircon must be on plus a table fan by my side, cannot tahan panas! If I see a place with a lot of people, I would go elsewhere, social distancing #staysafe #staywell The tofu really looks so good, never seen any looking as good.

  2. All the dishes look good, price is ok too and I like the yam basket the best! 3 cups chicken is a Taiwan dish. It uses 3 different kind of marinates so that is why it is called 3 cups.

  3. All the dishes look tasty, my vote goes to the curry fish head.

    Like stp, i scare of heat, not scare of cold.

  4. The food basket is so cute. You must have so many restaurants there, I just cannot imagine. We have only a few.

  5. I also ate at that restaurant many moons ago!

    The basil leaves are in trend now as restaurants do add them with other vegetables. I love them too!

  6. Another restaurant added to our foodie list.

  7. It has been raining this weekend at night. Cold day today.

    I want the curry fish. And yam basket as well. Hehe. Had yam basket few weeks ago but the basket wasn't nice. We ended up finished the mixed veggies in the basket.

  8. Would love to try the basil and chicken dish. Looks yummy. :D

  9. i m drooling at all the dishes!


Thank you, readers!

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