Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Now I know What I Did Last Week


No, I am missing in action but my comments from my previous posts!  All went missing.... now only I notice.  Oh my goodness, I must have done something with my ïtchy hand" last week.  Instead of deleting the spam comments of 39K, I must have deleted the first 100 comments in my posts as well.  Sigh.... Cannot click undo now.... Next time Auntie must look carefully before clicking the word "delete."

Very quiet these days, nothing much to blog about.... homecooked food mostly and nothing to shout about.  Most of the time I am confined in the house, watch TV, watch the green and red prices on and off on share market, go shopping on Lazada, Shopee, a silent reader on Facebook  Instagram... that is what I like to do.... What I dislike is household chores, sweep floor, wash toilet, mop floor, cleaning up house... Cannot even call a part time maid for fear of contacting you-know-what... 

Oh dear, if I don't have these to do, will one be depressed?  I am always thinking of about elderly people who have nothing to do in the house, no movies to watch,  no laptop, no smart phone.... how do they pass time?  Time is like a standstill.... 

That is all for today.... just a short post to keep the blog alive.... LOL.... 

Auntie downloading Momoji to pass time!


  1. nowadays we are so occupied with technology/devices that get us connected to the world. I don't think we will get bored. As for the elderly, they read newspaper and listen to radio? or maybe gossiping...

  2. No choice! Have to blog about home cooked stuff, anything and everything since going out to eat is out of the question. Terrible!!!

  3. No other option other than doing the chores ourselves. Just take it easy, one at a tike. Dont tired yourself out.

    Yes, seldom go out for meal nowadays. Even if go, also to the same place. I also dont know what to blog too.

  4. I am happier nowadays with this MCO 2.0 compared with the first one which made me horribly stressed and nuts. Our government made it possible now, to exercise and drive outside to do work errands. No more toilet paper rush and empty supermarket shelves. Now I also have Netflix and go steaming in the heat at the Wellness Centre daily. It is like a pampered luxury for me lah. Hihihi

  5. Me too, everyday practically eat sendiri masak punya food until so sian. LOL! I miss eating out. Tapau is not the same.

  6. Elderly folks like my in-laws play mahjong to while away the time. They are so creative to rewrite the mahjung rules so that only two of them can play with each other. No need to have 4 persons in total to play.

  7. You have your dog to keep you company, right?

  8. You have created an avatar of yourself; she is cute! Yes, how are other people getting along without T.V. and computers? How much Covid is in Ipoh?

    1. Hi Ginny, now Covid is everywhere, not sure where but here and there... so we need to be very careful about where we go and what we should do once we arrive home...

  9. To keep our blog alive, we just have to blog about what we cook or eat.

  10. There is too much to do...ha :D Perhaps I will revisit this post when I am old.

  11. Ya, I noticed the comments in your previous posts went disappearing. For the elderly, they play mahjong and gossip to pass time.

  12. I didn't notice that there is a mole on your face, hee hee.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...