Monday, March 1, 2021

My Homemade Gyoza For Dinner

ONE DISH MEAL... with no rice.... 

I bought a packet of Gyoza wrappers and they have been laying in the fridge for a couple of weeks now.  Better finish them upbefore they start to turn moldy.  Marinated a packet of minced meat using sesame oil, pepper, soy sauce, pinch of salt for a couple of hours and chopped up some chives (kau choy) to add to the meat.
This time I did not use my fingers to do these... 
The 10 sen mould I bought from Shopee came into use... .
So much faster and easier too... 
Before I make the soup base, I boiled these in plain water
so as to take away the flour.... 
Then using some garlic and sliced ginger, I boiled two bowls of soup... 
I put in some greens.... and topped with goji berries and sesame seeds...
Must eat them while the soup is still fuming hot....
I gave some to my neighbour... and 
I think I ate around 8 pieces... full to the brim!


  1. Wowwwwwww!!!! Retirement is good for you. Now your culinary skills have improved by leaps and bounds. I remember those days when you were still working and how I would cringe at the sight of your attempts at cooking!!! Now, I am so impressed. LOL!!!

  2. So tasty! How many did u make?

  3. They are perfect, and look like they came from a fancy restaraunt!

  4. I never make own gyoza. Yours looked good. Perfect shape with the mould.

  5. looks good....the 10 cent mould really worth-it...the gyoza are nicely intact

  6. Your gyoza very beautifully done.

  7. You are so expert in making this. The shape looked neat and delicious in the pot. Neighbour pun happy la.

  8. Your gyoza look yummy and nicely done. I like to eat them fried too!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...