Friday, March 26, 2021

Should You Cook Fresh For Your Pet?

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In recent years there has been a rise of home-cooked food for cats and dogs. More and more pet owners are turning away from traditional packaged dog and cat foods and are instead preparing fresh meals for their pets that give them more of a varied, balanced and nutritious diet.

While this might sound great to some pet owners, and seem ludicrous to others, cooking for your pet does come with benefits - and disadvantages too. 

In this blog, we will go through some of the do’s and don’ts of cooking for your pet! Will you become a pet chef this year? Read on to find out!

The Do’s Of Cooking Fresh For Your Pet

  1. DO research the specific dietary needs of your pet. 

One of the worst mistakes you can make is to under-research cooking fresh for your pet. All animals have dietary requirements that make them healthy and strong, and a dog or a cat’s requirements will be different to that of your human family. 

If you are thinking of cooking fresh for your pet, make sure you do extensive research on pet sites such as, and ask your vet about the right fresh diet for your pet.

  1. DO find recipes from expert pet owners and vets.

At first, you might find it intimidating to cook for your pet, as you may not know exactly where to find the right ingredients or what to cook each day. Finding pet food recipes from your vet and from experts online will help ease you into the new routine of cooking fresh for your pet.

  1. DO mix up fresh cooking and packaged food.

Most people think this is an either-or situation, but that isn’t the case. If you want to cook fresh for your pet, you don’t immediately need to ditch the dog food and start slaving away for hours in the kitchen. You can alternate meals between fresh and packaged - in fact, this is better for the pet, as it’ll ease their digestive system into the new type of food they’ll be eating.

The Don’ts Of Cooking Fresh For Your Pet

  1. DON’T just feed them what you eat.

Dogs and cats have different nutritional needs than humans. Don’t just feed them what you are eating - this could be damaging, or even fatal, to their health. Your pet’s food needs to be prepared separately from the food you eat.

  1. DON’T bite off more than you can chew. 

Cooking fresh for your pet is not a necessity - it’s a luxury. If you have the time and money to do so, that’s great, but don’t bite off more than you can chew with this task. Even if you feed them fresh pet recipes every once in a while, you can feed them good quality packaged food and feel assured they will be healthy.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking into cooking fresh for your pet, make sure you use this guide to help you get started with this positive change!

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