Wednesday, April 28, 2021

I Called It My Weird Lunch


Saw something I like at the fish stall in the market.... Clams!!  There are only two fish stalls in this dry market here in Canning.  Their prices are slightly higher than those sold in bigger markets but I like coming here because it has less people and cleaner environment.  So their prices is more or less justified, pay a bit more to avoid the crowd.  

It has been a long while since I cook this type of clams, they are difficult to find too.  I only come across those heavy black clams which I don't really like, I prefer this type of longish clams.... hahaha... do they have a name?  Anyway, I ended up buying RM12, which is slightly more than 500gms.  

I couldn't remember how many times I washed them till the water turned clear... Soaked them with salt water too and then when all is ready, I get to cooking them.  Chopped up some garlic, ginger and cilipadi, plucked lots of basil from the garden and all is good to go!

Flesh is fresh.... 
Tasty and Yummy!
And the above was my lunch... Rice-less...
Greens, seafood and African grapes!
This is what I called a Weird Lunch!


  1. ok la, as long as got food on table!

  2. I would love those clams too, don't get to see them here. There are frozen ones but very small, not tempted to buy. Eeeeee...what are those black black things? African grapes? They sure look weird!!! LOL!!!

  3. The grapes sure look very dark in colour. Not weird la. My combination of food lagi weird. The clams are called lala. Correct?

  4. Yummy clams. Doesn't matter, as long as you enjoy your weird lunch. At first glance, those black thing do not look like grapes.

  5. Indeed it is very weird if you ask me. :D

  6. As long as it is fresh, I would like it. Slurp.

  7. hee..hee.. not weird lah. It is weird only if you mix them all up together. LOL!

  8. Clams are selling at RM6 per kg at Taiping morning market


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...