Saturday, June 19, 2021

Online Delivery For Texas Chicken

GRAB TEXAS... and that was what I ordered yesterday....

There was a promo code for some restaurants and Texas Chicken is one of them.  This auntie here quickly scrolled and chose from the menu and the total came to only RM20.39 for 5 pieces of chicken.  A very good deal inclusive of delivery and as usual, I shared with my neighbour and he happily wanted two pieces for himself.  

The remaining pieces went to me and I also happily took them for my lunch and dinner.  I have a small plate of leftover cooked yam from the previous day and this dish substituted my portion of rice.  After all, yam is starch as well..... My meals of the day is done, bread in the morning, fast food chicken and homecooked yam for the lunch and dinner.  So easy, right?  
Steamed back the leftover yam I cooked the day before....
It has been a long while since I last ate Texas Chicken.... 
I ordered mixed flavours...
Spicy and Original...
But they were not spicy at all...
So I guess they must be original flavours....


  1. Chicken looks good. We do not have Texas here, or maybe we have - a burger place at a new hotel with the same name. Somebody told me about it but with the lockdown and the pandemic, I have not gone to check it out.

  2. Your meals are nice! I eat bread all the time. I thought your yam dish is minced pork. Lolx! 😂 Texas chicken, I like their bread or they call it honey biscuit the best. When they had the short promo for cheese biscuit, I missed it. I hope that they will bring it back. Good to share with your neighbour and not have to eat it for many days from the fridge. Looking forward to reading what you eat everyday!

  3. As long as can fill tummy, anything is nice. Fried chicken looked huge

  4. Texas chicken is nicer than KFC for me. You ate like a parrot. Just 3 pieces for 2 meals. How to get fat??? You bluffed me. LOLOL

  5. I think I prefer your leftover steamed yam over Texas Fried Chicken!

  6. the fried chicken piece looks huge!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...