Friday, July 23, 2021

My Booster Gifts

NOT BOOSTER DOSE YET... but booster gifts to boost up my health after discharge from hospital.... 

Since the discharge and my first dose of the vaccination, I am still not back to my normal self as yet, still abnormal, so it seems... LOL.... 

I feel my body is still in a recuperating state, the feeling is like recovering from a bout of antibiotics and the body is still not as strong and lively as before.  Oh dear, I really look like an old lady now, white hair, do things slow-slow, walk also slow.... eat slowly.... yes, everything seems to be on the second gear now.  Picking up slowly.... and my second dose is not even here yet! 

Should I take these?  So far I have taken one of each .... still skeptical whether I should be taking these ginseng to boost up my energy or not.  How come my side effects of the jab last so long one?  This is going to be my third week.... 

Chicken essence and Ginseng... 
From Eu Yang Sang....
So far I have taken one packet...
Double boiled it for over an hour and drank 2 mugs.... 
Thank you, AA for your thoughfulness....
My girl who is a fan of Korean drama bought me these.... 
Ginseng in liquid form.... 
Just 10ml and consume it early in the morning 
To boost up the body battery.... 
Will start drinking this next week....
I also received this fragrance....
To help me sleep in the night...
Thank you my dears!
MamaReana will be like spring chicken in no time!


  1. Good! Good! Must take good care of yourself, make sure you recover. Since you have health problems, maybe you should postpone the 2nd dose till you get better. Go ask your doctor.

  2. Your reaction to the vaccine seems to be quite severe. Different people have different reaction so I think it is normal. With all the ginseng and chicken essence I am sure you will spring back with energy again. I am feeling quite down today - fever, tired with aches and pains in my joints and muscles and my head feels heavy. The second dose seems to bring on stronger reaction. Please rest and take care.

  3. Please take good care and rest. If still feel not that well, can go consult the doctor again. May you rest and regain your strength!

  4. Yes health is important and precious.. Hope you will regain back your healthy self soon. We want to see the bubbly and cheerful Claire again. Take care!

  5. Oh my, I am so sorry you are still struggling to recover! I have not heard of anyone whose side effects have lasted so long! Have the doctors been able to do anything to help you??

  6. With all the boosters for your health, you will be back to your normal self very soon. Our 2nd dose will be next week. Hope no serious side effect for us all.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...