Wednesday, July 21, 2021

My Symptoms After Vaccination

MY SINOVAC JAB gave me these side effects after a couple of hours....

Hot flushes was felt, not the kind of fever I used to have.... my body just turned warmer than usual and it went off as soon as it came, nothing to be alarmed... 

The next day, I felt aches on my neck, collar bone and shoulders.... my chest was kind of congested, air flow was a bit difficult.  I was quite alarmed over the breathing which was not as normal as usual, I tried to take deep slow breaths as I thought it was due to anxiety attack again.  

After a week, I went back to my cardiologist, just a follow up visit since my hospital discharge.  He assured me that there is nothing wrong with my heart though my palpitations was a bit higher than normal in his clinic.  Who doesn't feel a bit anxious visiting the doctor?  Anyway.... he prescribed some medication for me.... 

It has been 13 days since my jab, I am still feeling not-so-normal as before yet though I can breathe normally now and my bone aches have subsided.... And to monitor myself at home, I bought a cheap-plug oximeter.... LOL...
My new toy I hold every now and then.... 
The first reading is oxygen level.... 
It should be around 90-100....
The second reading is the pulse rate.... 
Mine is always above 80 during the daytime...
And 70 plus when I really sit down and relax.... 
Before this vaccination, I never heard of this gadget...
Nowadays it is so commonly used....


  1. Good to hear from you again. Please take good care and monitor yourself carefully! Stay safe and healthy! 🙏❤️

  2. My auntie collected her free oximeter from NTUC supermarket yesterday. Pray that the symptoms are just some mild symptoms, take care and stay safe!

  3. Oh dear!!! Do take good care of yourself. Anything you feel that is not right, go and see your doctor right away. They know best. May God bless and protect you always.

  4. Yes, the doctors have been recommending to have one of these oximeters. I have been hearing that the worse your side effects are, that means the vaccine is really working. I hope you feel back to normal soon!

  5. Gosh. Stay healthy. Rest well. Only us know our own body well.

    2nd dose is even stronger. I did mine on Monday, so far okay. Get coconut juice and drink it after 2nd jab. It helps me. I dont feel anything other than sore arm and heatiness. Now it is 4th day, I am fine.

  6. I had my second jab today. I feel like I might have a fever. I hope you are feeling better now.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...