Saturday, October 30, 2021

A Sunny Day Out To Pumpkin Fair

HOT AND SUNNY....  Though it is autumn now, there are some days which the sun comes out happily shining upon us.  And on this Sunny Sunday, we took the opportunity to visit a pumpkin fair.  Not really a big maze as I expected, just a smaller one where we can just walk around and take pictures and then go home.  LOL.... Well, for the kid, it is his first time so the purpose is to take some fall pictures, and that was it.... Anyway, I don't think the little fella knows what we were doing.... let the adults lead! 
At the entrance.... $4 per person.... 
So this place is called Queens... and the small prince sat there instead.... 
Too tiny to notice!
Pumpkins here, there and everywhere.....
A tent for people to carve the pumpkins....
And of course, all the rides which we did not take...
Malaysians have sun phobia...
I kept looking for sheds to go!
Small maze....
We were there earlier before the crowd.... 
By noon, there were more people....
Pumpkins here and there..... 
Best time to take lots of pictures.... 
We took lots and when the crowd thickens, we prepared to leave.... 
Yeah, a buffalo ride before we called it a day!


  1. Oooooo...the "small prince" is so cute!!! You must love playing with him, so nice to be a grandparent hor?

    I guess it's almost Halloween, lots of pumpkins. Did you buy any to make a Jack-O-Lantern?

    I would love to go to such events and open air markets there - so interesting and the weather is so nice and cool even if it is sunny, unlike here!

  2. What fun, Claire! And the small maze is just the right size for the little ones.

  3. Your cucu is so cute and you are such a young looking grandma!

  4. Ooo you escaped to the States huh. Wishing you well there. Now that their pandemic response is finally back on track, seems like staying there is better than here already.

  5. Ssssoooo nice! I would love to go to one pumpkin fair.

    Happy Halloween!!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...