Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Halloween Outing To San Carlos

SUNDAY OUTING.... we started out at noon to this place called Eucalyptus Street San Carlos...  it was about 30-40 minutes drive from our place.  My son and I have not been here before, a residential place well known for their Halloween decorations all these years except for last year, due to Covid.  

Since it was daytime, it is good to take pictures but I think the main attraction would be much better during the dark, more thrilling and exciting with extensive lightings and eerie music around... LOL... This is the first time I experienced their Halloween feel here, most times, I had already packed my bags by August.

Just sharing some of the pictures taken along the road.... some really take the trouble to serious decoration and some keep it simple.... 
Can see the three black hoods hanging on the tree?
I think during the night, that would be more terrifying... 

Even Squid Game actor was part of Halloween....

In the midst of last minute touches.... 
Trick or treat tables for kids.... 

And this is part of Halloween too!


  1. Halloween is so very interesting overseas, not here - here, they may celebrate it at the pubs, that's all. You did not go out dressed up as a witch? LOL!!!

    I went out at night on Halloween in Plymouth in the UK - everyone was in costume...and all along the road, there were kids throwing eggs at the buses going past. That was terrible!!!

  2. Very interesting! Some of the decorations are cute while some can be quite eerie especially at night. I like the one with the big cat hee..hee..

  3. they really go all out to decorate the house! looks like a merry celebration!

  4. I definitely wouldn't want to visit this spooky place at night. Lol!

  5. They really put lots effort in decorating. So creative. Something we don't find here.

  6. They really take the trouble to decorate. Very nice decor.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...