Friday, December 31, 2021

Christmas 2021 In Sacramento

My first time spending Christmas in Sacramento... and I hope there will be more to come.... 
Prime beef is our main attraction.... 
So nicely done.....
It is not overcooked... just nice for me...
Medium well, so the chefs said....
Glazed Honey Ham....
Company gift.... 
Green peas with bacon is a must....
Mashed potato special dish by Kaye...
Food laid on the table...
Ready to go!!
The usual 8 again....
After a thankful prayer, we dug into the food...
Christmas 2021 is so special!!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Taking Care Of Your Car Means Regularly Doing These Things

 When you own a car, the last thing that you are going to want is for it to start having problems. Of course, if you bought it many years ago and it’s only now having issues then that’s not so bad, but if you purchased it fairly recently and it is now causing you issues, this is not what you need. In order to minimize the risk of something going wrong, you need to be taking care of it. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you should be doing regularly in order to ensure that this is the case. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

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Cleaning It

The first thing that you are going to need to do is start cleaning it regularly. The build up of dirt and grime is not good for anything, especially a vehicle. Clean the outside regularly for aesthetic purposes, but make sure that you are cleaning the wheels to avoid a build up of dirt. You might not think that this is important or that it can have any negative impacts, but you would be wrong. 

It doesn’t take a long time to clean a car if you know what you are doing and if you keep on top of it. It’s going to be far worse for you if you don’t clean it regularly and then you end up having to do a huge clean once every couple of months.

Getting It Checked Out

You also need to ensure that you are getting the vehicle checked out on a regular basis. You never know when there are going to be issues that you simply can’t see. Some of these could be dangerous, and it’s up to you to avoid driving when your car is not in the condition to do so. Ideally, if you have to take your car in for anything, including accident repair, then you should get under the hood checked out then too. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, so it’s not going to hurt anyone to take a peek.

Considering Your Driving

Have you ever thought about the impact that your driving may be having on the car? Sometimes if you aren’t driving properly, you can cause damage to the vehicle itself. You can burn out the clutch, ruin the suspension, get into accidents that cause scrapes and other damage as well as so many other things. As such, we recommend that you take a step back and consider the way that you are driving. If you don’t want lots of costly repairs, you need to be careful.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you are going to need to be doing on a regular basis if you want to say you are truly looking after your car. It’s important that you are doing everything in your power to take care of the vehicle that you paid a lot of money for, so take the advice above for the best results. Good luck.

Winter Solstice And Gingerbread House

BACK TO SACRAMENTO.... for Christmas celebration!

Few days before Christmas, we were back in Sacramento, getting ready for the festive season again.  Few days before Christmas, it is Winter Solstice, it si on the 22 December and we remember this day by boiling some glutinous balls with ginger syrup and palm sugar.

We did it the easy way...
Bought a packet of these glutinous rice balls with sesame and peanut fillings....
Yes, they were very nice eaten with the ginger and palm sugar syrup....

And then the younger adults tried doing a ginger bread house.....
Looks easy but they had a difficult task making them stick properly....
As illustrated on the box....
And this turned out instead....
Looks easy....
or not??
Two pairs of hands.... 
Must be dainty enough....
Anyway, they did a good job....
Thumbs up for them...
First time trying...
Better than me...
I am just an observer to give them the thumbs up!


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Oral Hygiene: The Importance of Good Oral Health

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Oral hygiene is an integral part of our daily lives, yet most people don't take the time to brush their teeth twice a day. Some people even go weeks without brushing their teeth. If you want to maintain good health and prevent more severe problems, then it's time for you to start practicing oral hygiene today. Here are some reasons why it should be your priority:

Fresh Breath

One of the most important reasons to practice good oral hygiene is for your breath. When you don't brush and floss, bits of food get caught in your teeth and gums, which can cause bad breath.

Good oral hygiene not only gives you fresh breath but also a bright smile. If plaque isn't removed regularly, it will harden into tartar. Tartar can cause yellowing of the teeth and even contribute to gum disease.

Gives You a Bright Smile

Keeping your teeth clean is the number one step to keeping them white and bright. Unfortunately, when you have plaque on your teeth, it allows bacteria to build up, which will eventually cause cavities. Therefore,  brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing once a day is essential.

In addition, visiting and using whitening toothpaste can help remove any surface stains on your teeth. If you have more severe staining, you may want to consider visiting your dentist for a professional whitening treatment.

Reduces More Severe Diseases

Good dental hygiene is crucial for having a bright smile and fresh breath. It also reduces the risk of more severe health problems. For example, poor oral hygiene has been linked to heart disease, stroke, and even cancer. By keeping your teeth clean and healthy, you can reduce your likelihood of developing any of these severe health conditions. Regular brushing and flossing are one of the best ways to protect your overall health.

Reduces Health Costs

Seeking treatment can be expensive, and the treatment process is painful. But, preventing gum disease will help you save money on treatment and medication. In addition,  good oral hygiene will help you live a longer life.

Conversely, when your gums are in poor health, it is more difficult for them to heal and stay healthy. This means that they cannot repair themselves as quickly or effectively if bacteria have penetrated the gum tissue.

Besides, having good dental care can mean lower premiums for most people who buy insurance policies. Some companies offer up to 50% off their rates depending on what services you receive at regular intervals.

Prevent Gum Disease

Prevention is always better than cure. Unfortunately, this statement rings true when it comes to oral hygiene, especially for those of us who are not blessed with the naturally bright smile that some celebrities have.

If you maintain good oral hygiene regularly, your teeth will be healthier and whiter in appearance by default. You will also avoid developing more severe diseases like gum disease, which cause severe problems if left untreated. Let's take a look at how this can happen.


Excellent oral hygiene is the key to overall health. Fresh breath, a bright smile, and good oral hygiene are critical factors you want in your life because it is always better for everyone around you when these things can be achieved.

A great way to keep up with the best oral hygiene practices every day is by brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing regularly - even if this means committing extra time before bedtime.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Simple Tips To More Effective Parenting


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No child or parent can be perfect all the time, which means that your parenthood journey will not be all rosy every day. You will be happy on some days and equally struggle on some. Below are tips to make parenting more enjoyable and manageable on good and bad days.

Be Open

Imagine being in an environment where everyone is too guarded to engage in a conversation about the good simple things in life. Tough, right?

Children and most people generally love to be around easy and outgoing people. So, do not be the parent who gives kids such a tense environment. Instead, loosen up and be approachable to encourage your children to come to you with their problems or little wins. Be accessible to your children, and they will easily open up to you and tell you when they are getting bullied or struggling with certain emotions they can’t express.

Practice Healthy Financial Habits

Parenthood comes with a lot of responsibilities. When you become a parent, it means you have an extra person or people to feed, clothe, and take good care of properly. For your finances, this will mean more things to spend on.

You don’t want to be thrown out of your home with kids, do you? So, practice good financial habits, such as budgeting, saving, and paying off your debts. But, if you are an entrepreneur running a cannabis company with non-complying debtors, you can file your claim with Cannabis Debt Collection as the first step towards having your finances organized.

Create Time To Be More Involved

Ideally, there is nothing more meaningful for children than you sparing some time to be with them. Unfortunately, however, this is something that most parents are continually struggling with. It gets worse that you can’t even share a simple meal with them in some cases.

Better parenting means getting involved in your children’s business. For example, if you have a super tight schedule, you can consider waking up a few minutes earlier, preparing breakfast, and making sure you enjoy it together.

If your children fail to get attention from you or feel like you are not concerned, they will likely start misbehaving. For example, they may end up hanging out with a group of rebels.

Be A Good Role Model

An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Similarly, your children are most likely to copy some of your behaviors, especially the nasty ones. 

If you want them to be respectful with people, you need to treat them respectfully. Make it a habit to ask for something politely, appreciate them often, and say ‘ Thank you ’ when they do something for you.


There are no strict templates to guide you on becoming a parent, and because of this, it can get tricky. You will need to practice patience and clarity of mind to deal with the different challenges you will encounter.

Apply some of the tips in this article while staying flexible and begin to transform your parenthood journey. 

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Dungeness Crab For Dinner

ITS THE SEASON AGAIN... my son told me that Dungeness crabs are now on sale.  It always come aound this time of the year.  And so we took the advantage of the seasonal promotion, in some supermarket, they are selling at prices between 6.99 to 9.99 per pound.

These Dungeness crabs are commonly sold in Asian markets, maybe because ther are a lot of Asians around here and they are familiar with the cooking of these crabs.  As for us, we just do it one way.... Steaming!

One evening, they brought back three crabs priced at $43 ...all cleaned and cut at the supermarket staff... we just have to clean them and put into the steamer.... 

Just steaming... no seasoning added.... 
Baked some chicken wings marintated with Korean Bulgogi sauce....
Steamed three cobs of corn.... 
and sprinkled with Cajun seasoning...
No rice... just crabs and chicken...
And desserts something like Cendul Ice Kacang...
That is why I don't miss Malaysian food much... 
As for the three hard shells, my daughter-in-law cooked porridge with them...
Crab porridge for morning beeakfast...
Oh dear, I forgot about cholesterol when it comes to eating crab that day!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Easing Your Pet’s Chronic Pain


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Animals can experience acute injuries and ongoing illnesses in the same way humans can, which is why it’s important to monitor your pets regularly for any sign of discomfort. Realizing that your pet is in pain can be upsetting but getting them the right help can alleviate their suffering and give you peace of mind. To get started, take a look at these top tips for easing your pet’s chronic pain now:

Get a Treatment Plan in Place

If you suspect that your pet is experiencing pain or discomfort, seek help from a veterinarian right away. A vet will be able to assess your pet and run investigative tests if it’s necessary to do so. Once a diagnosis has been made, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about which treatments could be beneficial for your pet. This might include surgery and medication, as well as other treatments, such as physiotherapy or even complementary therapies like osteopathy. 

Make Home Life Easier

When a pet has chronic pain, they might find it harder to get around. By making changes at home, you can ensure that they’re as comfortable as possible. With Pawpedics pet beds, for example, your pet has the added support they need when they’re relaxing or resting. An orthopedic pet bed relieves pressure on the joints and eases muscle tension, which can significantly reduce discomfort. Similarly, elevated bowls can be an effective way to make it easier for your pet to eat and drink when they’re experiencing chronic pain or long-term health issues.

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Try Animal Massage

If you’ve ever experienced a physical injury or ongoing pain, you’ll know just how helpful massage can be. However, it isn’t just humans who can benefit from massage: animals can too. By learning how to give your pets massage therapy, you can help to minimize their discomfort. From training classes to online guides, there are a variety of resources out there for pet owners who want to provide the best care for their animals. 

Adjust Exercise Regimes

Depending on your pet’s condition and pain levels, exercise could be an important way of maintaining mobility and easing pain. Conversely, too much exercise could have the opposite effect. Before changing your pet’s routine, seek advice from a veterinarian. Once you know how much exercise your pet should be getting and what type of exercise is suitable, you’ll be able to adjust your day-to-day routine accordingly. 

Spend More Time with Your Pet

Pets love to spend time with their owners and some extra TLC will be much appreciated when they’re feeling out of sorts. Whether you spend a little longer playing with toys or you snuggle up with your pet on the sofa more often, spending more time with your pet will go a long way to helping them feel better. 

Caring for a Pet with Chronic Pain

It’s undoubtedly upsetting for owners when their pets are unwell or in pain but there are steps you can take to minimize your pet’s discomfort and enhance their life. With the right professional advice and lifestyle changes, you can transform your pet’s comfort levels, boost their mood and reduce long-term pain. 

What I Cook And Eat In San Jose

BACK TO SAN JOSE... after the festive Thanksgiving.... and soon it will be Christmas!  I wonder what feast will lie in store by then, no turkey for sure... There were some turkey leftovers and I put them all into a pot and made it into a Chinese dish which is called Chap Chye or Chap Choy in Cantonese.  Not only the turkey meat, I put in ham as well... I wonder how many of us put in turkey and ham into this dish!  LOL... 

The days flew by again... taking care of my grandboy, sometimes leaving no time to prepare food during lunch time.  We resorted to Door Dash also commonly known as Grab food in Malaysia.  They also give discounts, sometimes 40% capped at $10, whereas nowadays Grab gives 50% discount cappted at RM12.50 which is a good option for online delivery instead of going out.

Our Poke Lunch.... 
And when I have time, I do this....
Here is my Turkey/Ham Chap Chye.... 
I cook it early morning using instant pot...
And by lunch we can have these.... 
Two other dishes are Door Dash...
Fried Rice and Orange Walnut Chicken....
The portion asre so huge that they lasted till dinner as well!
On hardworking days, I do two dishes... 
Fish in pickled sause and mixed veg...
Yes, normally two dishes and soup is a bonus.....
Minced meat with potatoes, fried eggs and watercress soup...
Homemade roasted pork and yam dish.... 
with beetroot soup...
On really hardworking days... homemade Nasi Lemak!!
No Choice... have to really do them from scatch except for the chicken  curry...
I used Tean paste which is really really super spicy!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

4 Smart Ways To Secure Your Financial Future

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The future can be unpredictable, and it’s best to always be prepared, so you’re not caught off guard. Your finances are an essential aspect of your future that you always need to work towards, and it’s never too early to start. Statistics reveal that about only 30% of households in the US have a long-term financial plan. Here are some practical tips to help you secure your financial future

  1. Prioritize your needs over your wants

If you want to become more disciplined with your finances, it would help if you built the habit of putting your needs above your wants. Listing your needs and wants will help you eliminate the ones you can do without and identify which ones urgently need your attention. Doing this will help you minimize impulse buying, increase your savings, and reduce your debt. 

  1. Plan towards your retirement

According to financial experts, the money you save towards your retirement won’t be enough if you don’t start planning early enough towards it. It’s best to start considering financial retirement plans to enable you to live a comfortable life even after you retire and reap the rewards long after you stop working. Most companies have retirement plans such as 401(k)s for their employees. It would help if you were aware of these offerings, any other options available beyond your office’s plans, and their advantages and disadvantages to help you make an informed choice. Experts recommend saving at least 15% of your annual income if you start early enough. However, you may need to save more if you start planning late. 

  1. Work towards clearing your debts

Clearing your debts can be challenging, but you can always start small, like most financial decisions. You can start by developing a debt repayment plan to work towards clearing your debt by apportioning a little part of your salary, especially if you earn a good income. Having a debt repayment plan will also give you timelines that will guide you in your effort to clear your debts. It would help if you started with the debts with higher interests first and worked your way down. Alternatively, you can start with the smaller ones and build up from there to motivate you. A great place to start is your existing credit card balances. 

  1. Consider long-term investments

Aside from having a savings account, an excellent way to secure your financial future is by considering long-term investments. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to have so much money to start; you can start small. Although there’s some risk involved in investing, you can find offerings tailored to your risk tolerance, from moderate to high. You can consider the stock market, investing in properties, and so on. You can also consider investment options tailored to your needs and beliefs, such as an Islamic broker account. These investments often yield high rewards and enable your money to grow over time. There are several options to consider where investment is concerned. 

Keeping the above-listed tips in mind will help get you started on your journey to securing your financial future and give you the peace of mind you need even in challenging times. 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Morning Walks During The Winter

SHEDDING OFF... calories after some hefty meals we had for the past few days continously and by doing that, we took walks either in the morning or evening.  With the winter season now, the daylight is shorter and by 5pm, it is very dark already.  So normally we take our walks in the mid morning, walking up and down three times along the road takes half an hour and it is good enough, we said... LOL... 
Though it is sunny, we have to wear our sweaters or jackets at times..... 
Along the road.... 
Very quiet on most days... 
not many cars passed by cos it is a dead end road...,
Some rent out their land to keep animals....
horses mostly..... 
This cactus caught my eye....
Looks like they are fruits....
First time seeing fruits on cactus....
Trees shedding off their leaves in front of the house..... 
Soon they will be bare....

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Simple Methods To Help Speed Up Your Laptop

 Whether you're tirelessly working from home or attempting to stream your favorite movie as you veg on the sofa, the speed of your laptop can have a huge impact on the success of your day. Technology is an essential part of modern life, so having to cope with slow speeds and serious lagging can cause serious stress and strain. Thankfully, it's more than possible to speed up your laptop, as there are several different innovative ideas that you can make the most of to boost your devices capabilities in no time at all. So, if you're interested in finding out more, then simply read on! 

Image Source - Pexels 

Upgrade Your Internet Connection

First and foremost, one of the easiest ways to increase the speed of your laptop is by upgrading your internet connection. It's more than likely that you have some kind of WiFi device inside your home that provides you with the internet that you use on your laptop, and this connection can either help to support super fast downloading and uploading or alternatively add hours onto every task that you try to complete online. Taking the time to assess the quality of your internet connection through a speed tester is a good place to start, as this way you can compare against your internet provider's minimum state capacity to see whether it's functioning as it should be. If it's hitting lower levels than expected, then it's your internet provider's responsibility to take the most appropriate steps to improve their speed or offer an amended price tag. If you aren't happy with your internet speed, then there are several different packages that you can choose between - the price will depend on the download and upload capacity and the reliability of the connection, so opting for the more expensive package is sure to help you use your laptop without interruption. You'll get results in milliseconds if your internet connection is strong enough, and this can cut down the time of every task you complete online! If you want to go one step further to ensure that you will never experience the stress of a lost connection when you're knee deep into a work project, then investing in an ethernet cable is the ideal option. An ethernet cable allows you to connect your laptop directly to your WiFi device! 

Perform Regular Updates

Another important step that you must follow if you want to experience a super fast laptop speed is to always perform regular updates. Updates are an essential feature of almost every electronic device, as the developers who create the operating systems that power your laptop, phone or computer are constantly working on extra security, improvements and bug fixes that will help you said devices to operate much faster and more efficiently. Failing to update your laptop could mean that your operating system is no longer supported by the developers, which in turn could block you out from utilizing certain features on your device. A lack of updating also leaves you open to a number of security threats, and falling victim to a virus could slow your laptop down to unusable speeds. Be sure to check your system updates application on a weekly basis, so that you can install any new updates that developers release for your chosen laptop. Even if it's a small correction that just contains bug fixes, you can expect your device to run that little bit smoother as a result of the patch. Don't worry if you feel like you won't remember to keep checking for updates, as there's always the option to choose 'update automatically'. Opting to update automatically will cut out the need for you to get involved, so you can benefit from the latest and greatest systems without having to click a single button. 

Clear Out Unwanted Files & Data 

Filling up your laptop with an untold number of unused and unwanted files and data is one of the worst mistakes that you could make when attempting to promote the fastest possible speeds. The less free memory space that you have, the slower your laptop is likely to be, so you must be proactive in your efforts to delete unnecessary files and data as often as you can. Of course it can seem like a long and monotonous process to go through all of your folders to check what each one contains, but fortunately there are many ways around the issue that can help you to clear space in record time. Start off by reading this article to find out how you can clear your cache, as this is the simplest way to free up space in the press of a button. Your cache stores all of your data regarding your search history, past activity on apps, and lots of other somewhat pointless tracking information that you don't need to keep. Getting rid of all this data will no doubt boost the speed of your laptop, but it takes more than this to maintain uninterrupted service. Storing photos and videos on your laptop is something that you should aim to avoid, as these kinds of files can often be enormous. Fortunately, uploading said files to a cloud based storage application will free up masses of space on your device, while still allowing you to access and download your treasured photos and videos at any time. If you follow these steps to clear your data stores and still find that your laptop is lagging a little, perhaps it's time to upgrade to a large memory source. Upgrading to more RAM is an option that you should consider researching, as this will increase your laptop's capacity and subsequent speed.

Learning how to make your laptop work faster has never been such a simple task when you can take the time to make the most of some of the brilliant tips and recommendations that have been carefully detailed above. There's no time like the present to help your device reach its full potential, so what are you waiting for!?  

Thursday, December 16, 2021

And Our 2021 Thanksgiving Feast Began

FULL COURSE... and all of us were seated around the table... 8 of us.... (baby went for his afternoon nap)

My son again had the honor to say Grace and a Thankful prayer and after that, the feast began... "Pass me this please, pass me that please.... pass this around... thank you, thank you..... "  This is what happens when the table is not round but rectangle.... 

Oh, I forgot to show the turkey..... 
Ok, don't get funny ideas..... 
I am just showing the stuffings....
Sideview might be better.... 
Ready to be cut....
The Captain cum Chef officiated... 
then the knife was passed over to my son... to do the rest....
Laying out the table....
Finally food is ready!
Sliced turkey...
Another turkey cooked by our Filipino friends...
Cranberry jelly....
Stuffings and Macaroni and cheese....
Peas and bacon.... 
Well, I guess that was about all...
Except for the 3 pies in the fridge....
And the patiently awaiting guests...
All ready to feast after this is done!

Our Family Trip To Japan

BUSY BUSY...  I feel retired life is very hectic for me, either I am too active or I don't have much stamina to keep up with my lifestyl...