Sunday, December 19, 2021

Morning Walks During The Winter

SHEDDING OFF... calories after some hefty meals we had for the past few days continously and by doing that, we took walks either in the morning or evening.  With the winter season now, the daylight is shorter and by 5pm, it is very dark already.  So normally we take our walks in the mid morning, walking up and down three times along the road takes half an hour and it is good enough, we said... LOL... 
Though it is sunny, we have to wear our sweaters or jackets at times..... 
Along the road.... 
Very quiet on most days... 
not many cars passed by cos it is a dead end road...,
Some rent out their land to keep animals....
horses mostly..... 
This cactus caught my eye....
Looks like they are fruits....
First time seeing fruits on cactus....
Trees shedding off their leaves in front of the house..... 
Soon they will be bare....


  1. The weather there is gorgeous!!! I loved just sitting around doing nothing, just basking in the sunlight, enjoying the peace and quiet and the cool air. Heaven on earth!!!Envy you, can enjoy all these there!!!

  2. OH, it is so beautiful there! Must be a joy to take your walks.

  3. Nice weather and place to take walks.

  4. Definitely better to walk over there than here. Weather here today is warm where as it was raining for few days.

  5. Walking in cold weather is the best! I did that in Boston many years ago and I wish I could go back there again in winter.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...