Wednesday, December 22, 2021

What I Cook And Eat In San Jose

BACK TO SAN JOSE... after the festive Thanksgiving.... and soon it will be Christmas!  I wonder what feast will lie in store by then, no turkey for sure... There were some turkey leftovers and I put them all into a pot and made it into a Chinese dish which is called Chap Chye or Chap Choy in Cantonese.  Not only the turkey meat, I put in ham as well... I wonder how many of us put in turkey and ham into this dish!  LOL... 

The days flew by again... taking care of my grandboy, sometimes leaving no time to prepare food during lunch time.  We resorted to Door Dash also commonly known as Grab food in Malaysia.  They also give discounts, sometimes 40% capped at $10, whereas nowadays Grab gives 50% discount cappted at RM12.50 which is a good option for online delivery instead of going out.

Our Poke Lunch.... 
And when I have time, I do this....
Here is my Turkey/Ham Chap Chye.... 
I cook it early morning using instant pot...
And by lunch we can have these.... 
Two other dishes are Door Dash...
Fried Rice and Orange Walnut Chicken....
The portion asre so huge that they lasted till dinner as well!
On hardworking days, I do two dishes... 
Fish in pickled sause and mixed veg...
Yes, normally two dishes and soup is a bonus.....
Minced meat with potatoes, fried eggs and watercress soup...
Homemade roasted pork and yam dish.... 
with beetroot soup...
On really hardworking days... homemade Nasi Lemak!!
No Choice... have to really do them from scatch except for the chicken  curry...
I used Tean paste which is really really super spicy!


  1. Ya if busy taking care of baby then just buy via food deliveries. Tasty local cuisine that you all cook at home. looks so good.

  2. Hi! Haven't seen you around my blog for a while. So very busy, eh?
    A Happy Dongzhi Winter Solstice Festival to you and all loved ones. It was yesterday here so I guess it is today in the US, 21st December. Any tang yuan to eat there? A year older, a year wiser!!!

    1. Ooooo...your nasi lemak must be so good! That curry looks so yummy! Bet your son and daughter in law enjoyed that so much, not easy to get to eat that over there.

  3. Door Dash is good to give you a break from cooking!

  4. It is a handful to take care of baby so understand the food delivery during busy days. Great way to dispose the turkey leftover ya. Ham chap chye is appetizing.

  5. all your homecooked dishes looks nice and tasty! i would crave for nasi lemak too when abroad!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...