Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Tips on Building a Great Business Website

 A businesses website is fundamental to its overall success. A badly put together sire, with a lot of outdated and irrelevant content in a seemingly incoherent manner, is not going to get you anywhere. It will definitely reflect negatively against you. If you have not given your website much thought until now, or if it is pretty basic and the content has not been updated for a while, it is time you paid it much more attention. Pretty much all businesses worth their salt have a great website. And if you need ideas, just check out your competitors. You're bound to find something suitable. Okay, so here are some tips on building your own business website:

Image from Pixabay

Site Plan

Before you start creating content and taking photos, you need to work out exactly what you need. It is probably worth doing a little investigation into similar websites and discovering more about how theft is laid out and all the information that is required. You need, in the first instance, a great home page. Your home page is what entices your potential customer to stay. You then need the home page to have a logically laid out menu structure. You will want a menu with no more than seven items, any more than this is too much and distracting. So you need to carefully consider why a customer will be landing on your website and ensure your home page reflect this, and your menu headings do too. What you want is a logical and easy to navigate site. You will also want to consider the functions such as a shop, and live chat. There are a lot of places you can go to to get help on your website, such as WebX360.

Your Content 

Relevance, preciseness and ease of reading are absolutely key. Remember that less is more when it comes to content. You do not want to have all the essential information lost within a ton of text. If you believe that more content is better, you are mistaken. You are far better off having concise text with a relevant matching image rather than a page of waffle. No one has the time to search through that for the golden nuggets they are after. It is also important to use relevant images, vlogs, gifs, etc. Anything that distracts from the point is to be removed. 


You will also want to ensure that your content is optimized for the search engine. SEO (search engine optimization) is an essential part of your marketing strategy, as it determines how a search engine will find you. What you need to do is look at your customer data and determine how your customer communicates, the language they use, words, phrases etc. What are they likely to type into the search engine? Ensure your pages have these words and phrases in their content. Another way to ensure that your content is always updated and relevant to help the search engines fins you is to have a blog that is loaded with keywords.  

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