Saturday, February 5, 2022

Cookies For Chinese New Year 2022 In San Jose

MISSING IN BLOGGING AGAIN.... this has become a norm now ever since I arrived to this continental... LOL...

Now I understand the word of Full Commitment when it comes to taking care of baby... seriously, I have to be fully commited and occupied by this little cheeky fella who is now going to be his 10th month soon.  Wow... time flies, when I first came, he was just slightly over four months... that being said, it is soon time fo rme to pack my bags and leave.  LOL... My 6 months being a babysitter is soon over... and did I say I can hardly wait?  NO, NO... I love my job here and I am going to miss my baby tremendously!  I only don't miss his cries!  LOL... 

OK, by the time I write this post, Chinese New Year is over, it is now the 4th day of CNY.  Two days before the Lunar New Year, my daughter-in-law and I cooperated fully and baked a few types of cookies.  Looking back at these pictures, I dare say that we did a good job... not on the cookies but at least we had a great time bonding and cooperating, both of us are actually quite fast!  LOL.... 

So what did we do?

Pineapple cookies!
She did the pineapple jam and I did the pastry....
Though I used two sticks of butter, the pastry was not buttery but soft and melt in the mouth..
I will definitely use this recipe again... 
It is featured in Rasamalaysia and from one of the bloggers... 
Peanut cookies with cashew toppings.... 
I like this recipe too but I forgot from which one...
Must google back the recipe... 
The cookies just melt in the mouth... 
Not that I want to compliment myself... hahaha....
We did these cornflakes with cranberries... 
Florentine cookies.... 
My DIL likes them...
Just egg white and sugar and they stick to the molds... .
And lastly and not least, I have to do these....
Couldn't find them in the supermarkets...
Anyway, it is quite easy to do as long as the oven is free... 
A very meaningful bakes this year indeed... LOL... 


  1. The cookies look so good! Will the baby get to eat any? Who will take care of him when you leave?

  2. Wahhhhh!!! Your daughter in law is quite a baker! Wahhhh!!! Make your own bak kua some more!!! My missus only made two types of cookies, we bought all the rest, bought our bak kua or given by people too, though we do not know why as we did not hold an open house - #staysafe #staywell

    WHAT? SIX MONTHS only? So fast!!! What will they do when you are not around? You're not staying there permanently. Hope your house in Ipoh is still there - there was a terrible storm, a tornado there the other day, houses all blown away. Never before!!!

  3. Definitely great to be bonding over baking with your daughter in law. Can you apply for extension to your stay in USA?

  4. You really had a good time there with the baby and cookies baking. I love that Florentine and anything nutty crunchy like that cornflakes with cranberry. You could easily open a stall to sell your delicious bak kwa there!

  5. 6 months already? that's fast! the cookies and bakkwa looks good....i like those melt-in-the-mouth cookies!

  6. Wow! Lots of delicious cookies and home made bak kwa too!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...