Wednesday, April 6, 2022

My Trial And Error Cooking Lessons

BREAK RECORD...  in terms of homecooking, I had never cook so frequently in my whole life!  LOL... 

From my younger days till the day I retired, I seldom cook at home.  During my years of working, I was blessed with a maid to take care of my kids and household chores.  Yes, I am very thankful for that privilege.... and I remember that helpless feel when they went back for a month holiday.  LOL... Since the day I do not have a maid and that was more than 10 years ago, I am slowly learning how to cook more at home especially during the lockdown period two years ago.

For nearly six months in San Jose, I have cooked a number of dishes, mostly simple ones which I kept repeating and recycling... LOL... Never too late to learn how to cook, right?  

my kids favourite.... peanut and pork ribs porridge...
Now I forget what the black thing is... 
how come it is in the porridge?? 
Oh no, it is century egg, yes!
For a moment, I was wondering why I put mushroom in the porridge!
Spinach soup with fish balls, eggs and homemade BBQ pork... 
Fried Udon noodles with sweet potato syrup as desserts....
Fish with salty vegetable soup and mixed vege... 
Vietnamese soup with noodles.... 
Chicken koay teow soup.... with lots of prawn shells as soup base.... 
Now I know why the soup is so tasty...
Must put in a bit of rock sugar and the taste was exactly 
like the ones sold in Ipoh!


  1. I know! I know! You were a horrible cook those days when your late mum was still around and she was such a good cook. Her dishes always looked so good and your fat nephew sure enjoyed eating them. Last I saw, he was all grown up now, not so fat anymore, right?
    Having said that, I find that your cooking has improved so much, by leaps and bounds. Love the look of some of your dishes - among the above, my vote goes to your homemade BBQ pork. I wish I could sample that!

  2. Tou seem to be a CHEF!! These all look so delicious, especially the soups!

  3. wow! that's impressive cooking! all looks delicious!

  4. You got that right, it is never too late to learn. But I find that all your dishes look very homely and good. I would be very happy to sit at your dinner table and sapu! LOL!

  5. You have become a very good cook. All look very yummy!

  6. Your dishes look delicious!

  7. Yummy dishes. Home cooked is the best. I also started to learn to cook when I moved into my current house. Back in it has been almost 10 years I venture into cooking journey.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...