Tuesday, July 12, 2022

A Walk In Punggol Park And A Croaky Dinner


After our heavy brunch, I thought it was time for me to hibernate... LOL... unfortunately, no, we went to a park to walk off the calories.   Not immediately of course... we made a stop at Buangkok to rest a bit, let the food be digested first.  I nearly dozed off actually in the apartment, cannot deny I am not senior, elderly people do tend to take a short nap in the later part of the day.

Come evening, we walked to a park in Punggol, this park actually links to a few areas, so I was told.  It was an enormous park with a lake somewhere in the middle.  I did not take much pictures cos I left my handphone in the apartment.  Anyway, I estimated our walk to be around 45 minutes, it was starting to drizzle when we left the park.

For dinner we had a simple one, just porridge taken with ginger frog porridge, a popular dish in Singapore... Many of my friends do not like this dish, but yours truly, started to take this ever since my kids were babies.  I heard cooking frog porridge is good for our skin.... LOL... 

At the entrance.... 
Me and my young friend at the park....
Yes, we walked two big rounds... no joke...
And our dinner for the night.... 
Porridge is $5-6 per bowl... and the frog-gy clay pot is around $10...
Not so sure cos my friend paid for them....


  1. Young friend? Both look so young, like around the same age. Eyewwwww....frogssss!!! Thank you very much! LOL!!!

  2. I never heard of Frog Porridge. I asume there is no frog meat in it?

  3. Sorry, I will let this one pass....no thanks. Lol!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...