Tuesday, August 29, 2023

A Visit To Ipoh Cultural Corridor

BEING AN IPOHIAN since the day I was born, I have to declare that I do not know much about tourism spots and attractions.   Getting more and more backward even though I have lot of time in my hands now, I think I was better and more updated during my working days......

So I have to rely on my neighbour, a well known Facebook Icon of Ipoh, he knows where to go and what to eat.  He has more than one thousand followers who knows where and what he eats for his three meals daily.  LOL... 

Following him for breakfast, lunch and dinner at times, I get to know that the vendors know what he wants even before he orders and nowadays, he has cut down on carbs, they make an exceptional dish specially for him.  In return he takes pictures of the food and post them on FB.  LOL... 

On this day, I followed him to visit the Ipoh Cultural Corridor, a new attraction in town.  The place called Meiziya International is founded by Andy Goh, an Ipohian who believes in traditional herbal remedies.  

From the outside, it was just another old building but once I went in, the place looks like a ancient palace with big pillars, giant staircase and a golden eagle statue staring at the centre of the staircase wall.  No visitors were there at that time except for the three of us.  We were given a small cup of herbal tea to drink and we were told that consultation with the TCM practitioner is free of charge (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

I went for it... and the first thing the TCM doc felt my pulse, he asked me... "You have a lot to think about?"  He said I have lots of worries.... I am an anxious person.... and sad to say, he is right!

Anyway, he advised me not to think unnecessarily things... let go.... (well, isn't that common among ladies?)  We tend to over-think!

Yes, I need to pent my thoughts more through blogging now... and let go of some nonsense from my head... LOL...
Outside the Ipoh Cultural Corridor....
Ok, let's go in....
Upon entering....
Quiet atmosphere....
Selling herbs on both sides....
The big eyes eagle....
I would be scared to come during the night...
From the first floor.....
Interesting pictures of yesteryears.... Ipoh....
The then and now....
The Capital cinema which my father used to take us to watch 
sword fighting movies during my younger days...
The Majestic cinema torn down to make way for condos....
Ruby cinema and now abandoned....
This picture is near my childhood house....Ipoh town market....
I went one round and that was it....
The place is very nicely kept.... 
Maybe not many tourists come by here....
Small garden behind the place....
And after taking a few pictures, we left....
Well, an eye opener... who wants to come visit?


  1. Love those old photos of Ipoh. I must say it was quite like Sibu in those bygone days.

  2. Oh my goodness, this place is amazing! Like a golden palace!! So huge and gorgeous. And a free consult as well! Did they try to sell you anything? Maybe post your concerns on the blog, then drop them! A lot of times our followers can help us feel better.

  3. Wah...the place looks like Las Vegas LOL! to me lah, I very jakun one! So quiet, maybe not many are aware of this place? It's interesting that the TCM practitioner can tell your state of mind just by feeling your pulse. I used to be anxious too, I worry about everything.

  4. Yes, please write and let out all your thoughts here 🙏 what a grand place.

  5. Wow. This place sure look grand and like a palace inside. Aren't we all the same?? Being a Sarawakian, there are still many places/districts I haven't been to in Sarawak. Never been to Ipoh, but hope have a chance one day.

    Just hop over from Nancy's blog, read your post there. Thanks for updating her blog. God bless you.


Thank you, readers!

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