Thursday, August 3, 2023

Last Stop To The Golden Gate Bridge


Oh, before going to the Golden Gate Bridge, my friend suggested going to Lombart Street, known as the "Crookedest Street" in the world!  

I have not been there before and I did not know what to expect.  And when my son drove his big vehicle down the street,  I had to close my eyes and tried not to scream.  I couldn't see the road from where I was sitting, it was just like a roller coaster, a narrow road with eight sharp hairpin turns!  And not only that, my son had to go down the steep road two times.... If I had known, I would rather walk down the steps to the bottom of the road with my friend on the first round.  Since she did not sit in the car to experience, we had to go the second time.  *shudder*

After the Lombart experience, we proceeded to the Golden Gate Bridge... actually the bridge is not golden in colour, it is named not for its hue but for its location, as Mr. Google says.  It is built above the Golden Gate Strait, hence the name golden.... Though it looks red, but the actual colour is called "international orange."

There it is....
We had to walk quite a distance from our car to see this bridge...
I think we took the wrong route to park our car...
But then we would not see this scene if we parked the right one....
This is what I meant.... superb scenery on the wrong route....
Good exercise....
A long walk....
One to remember that we are here.... together!


  1. The first time I saw the bridge when I was a student, I was shocked. There's no golden colour anywhere! 😂 😂
    However there's a huge and lovely Golden Gate Park nearby and the breathtaking Marin County across. I could see that you enjoyed yourself.

  2. I did not know about the color of the bridge. I think you know a lot more about it than I do now. That crooked street sounds so scary! I am scared of high hills when driving, I probably would have fainted!

  3. I also took the opportunity to take a photo at this iconic Golden Gate Bridge when I visited many years ago (and went to Fisherman's Wharf after that if I remember correctly). I too wondered then why the bridge was red and not golden...haha! :D


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...