Wednesday, November 15, 2023

You Have Finished The Race

BEFORE I LEFT FOR US in August, I told Nancy to wait for me to come back.... my trip was a short one this time, two months and one week....

I landed in Penang on the 9 November and came back to Ipoh on the 10th the next day.  I went to see her around 2pm, she was still conscious though most of the time, her eyes were closed.  I called out her name, she opened her eyes and nodded.... but she could not talk anymore.  A week before I came home, I messaged her through voice whatapp, she could still respond then.  She told me that her situation was going downhill, she knew she could not last long.... and that was the last I heard her voice.

The next morning at 7.30am, I received a call from her husband, the moment I heard his voice, I knew Nancy has left and returned to our Lord.  Two days of wake service and she was laid to rest on the third day.  

Rest in peace, Nancy, you are truly a wonderful lady!

Our last picture together..... 


  1. Both of you were really true friends and she waited for you till the end. Happy memories will live on forever. Rest in peace Nancy.

  2. So sad and glad you made it to see her for the last time, she will be missed. Rest in peace Nancy

  3. Yes, she was wonderful. I could tell just from her blogs. So glad you were there in time and got to see her, and that she knew it. No more pain or worries now, I know she is dancing in Heaven. But it will be harder for those loved ones she left.

  4. So sad to hear of Nancy's passing. May Lord bless her soul. She is at a better place now.

    I will miss her, her blog and her garden and food adventure. Bet her friends and readers feel the same too. Rip, Nancy. You will be dearly missed and remembered.

  5. Nancy was a warm and kind lady. I will never forget her willingness to share her Spider Flower seeds with me. You are blessed to have had her as a friend. She was a woman of strong faith and I loved the scriptures that she shared on every blog post. May Nancy rest in peace and thank you Claire for sharing the story.

  6. Nancy waited for you. Thank you Claire. May Nancy Rest in peace. 🙏

  7. So sad but I guess it is for the better - she is in a better place now and will suffer no more. I knew her - used to see her commenting in your blog and at times, you all would go out to eat together. It was quite recently when we were regulars at this New Zealand photo blog and we ended up commenting in one another's blogs. It was quite sudden - that day, when she said she had the dreaded sickness and had to go through this and that came as a shock to me. I prayed for her but I guess God knows what is best. May He bless her soul and grant her eternal rest. R.I. P. Nancy!

  8. I am so sorry for your loss. It appeared that she did wait for you after all.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...