About The Author

I am a retired single mother with three grown up kids.  This cool lifestyle blog focused on family, travels, healthy happy living, food, fashion, beauty and products that make your life easier, better and a whole lot more fun!  My daily companion since 2008, this blog is my passion, a platform where I love to share beneficial things with you!  

Reanaclaire.com is also open to reviews/guest posts/text links and any other opportunities that is informative.

I appreciate your patronage and please do come by daily to visit!

Contact Email : reanact@reanaclaire.com

All emails will be replied within 24 hours and will be kept confidential.

Thank you.


  1. Hi there Reana, I came across this blog browsing through the vast internet and I found this a breath of fresh air. I don't know if you will be replying soon but what the heck, just wanted to let you know that. Take care and have a great week ahead! Oh, wait.. yeah, before I sign off.. Do visit my blog at the-tip-cabinet.blogspot.com (Currently, having writer's block scrounging around for new tips to post). Looking forward to your ideas and comments, if any. Thanks. :)

    1. Which colour do you like?
      Our favourites are Red,Yellow,Purple and Blue


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....