Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Short Poem to You, Lord

Today is Saturday...another hot day of the week...been out since 8.30am this morning till an hour ago, I m now back to home sweet home...nothing is like home, where its cooler and cozier compared to the burning furnace outside....It is very quiet now and I was wondering whether my previous blog yesterday was a bit harsh or not... Tot of deleting it, but after second tots, i decided not to, after all, this is a blog... and we are supposed to write our views and to express ourselves without fear or favor....

Before I continue on, I hope this blog of mine will not offend anyone in particular and please forgive me if I do.... It is meant to be shared and by sharing, we can learn to edify one another....No one is perfect except our Lord Jesus Christ...

Let me end my afternoon's blog
With these words to our Lord..

Before we venture out each day
Lets take time to say a prayer
Be it short, be it sweet,
Let the words rise up to Him

A word of thanks, a word of praise
From Him always, we'll receive grace
There is no other gods besides our Lord
He is Alpha, Omega, our one and only God

Thank you Lord Jesus for what You have given
Amazing Love, Amazing Grace, we are forgiven.......


  1. not bad woh. ur world map got so many red dots already in such a short period of time. keep it up. take kaer

  2. thank you annoymous... not sure who u r but i think i can guess..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...