Thursday, February 14, 2008

She...(Rain, rain, go away)

As I wrote in my previous blog, this was the morning that we had the big makan sponsored by Big Boss Big Big.. it is supposed to be a happy day that coincides with valentine day...'supposedly' to be a happy occasion and time to mingle with our colleagues and staff...PERIOD....

We DID have a good fellowship in the cafetaria, eating our hearts out to the nasi lemak, meehoon goreng, groundnuts, fruits and mandarin oranges... but alas, it ended too soon, COS back in the office, at the dot to 12pm, she(not the big boss big big) screamed at us, ordering us to go into the meeting room, no excuse, and to be there in 5 min time...

sigh...I know what will be in store...this is not the 1st time we hv noticed the screaming order, we dreaded going in, in THE 5 min, we hurried to the toilet and then spend the last few minutes dragging our feet into the meeting will be another interrogation time...sob..sob........

Well, to cut it short, it really had spoilt my day in the office, definitely and for sure, she really puts tension into our everyday earn a living is not easy and making each day a real torture, tormenting us mentally and dampening our spirits...

I do pray for you, pray for u so that u wont release yr personal problems upon us staff and pray for us staff to be more tolerant to you.....I believe God will answer my prayers one fine day...when the time is right....
God Bless You, She...


  1. the tai ka lok or seri mee san coffee shop is located opposite OSK securities and the same road as oversea restaurant. it is situated just next dor to fai kei.

  2. thanks, now i think i know where..


Thank you, readers!

What We Ate In Tokyo

WE SPENT ONLY THREE NIGHTS IN TOKYO... We arrived a day earlier than my second son and family.... and the next morning we went to Tokyo Towe...