Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Waking Up To Our Senses

Last nite attended a wake in church, one member fell backwards while playing tennis and his skull broke..its so terrifying..just like that..he was in his early 60s..When it came to eulogy time, it was a tear jerking testimony.. that makes me think and i wonder... then i whispered to my cell leader...I said.."If next time we were the ones lying there, do u think anyone will go out there to say a few kind words of us? What would our eulogy be like?".....She smiled......Another thing came to my mind again...I have seen many couples squabbling whenever they are free, irritating each other and eventually giving a silent treatment to one another, its very common nowadays..I really feel sad for them cos they dont know how it feels if one of their love one goes off......For couples who are still together, please dont waste time irritating each other or giving each other hard times...time is so precious... we dont know when we will go one day... the unexpectable can happen anytime... why not spend time saying more appreciative words to each other instead of thinking how to torment one another at times??
Oh dear, why did i say all this at this time? sorry sorry...its cny mood...sorry....
spit the saliva and say over once again...
well, anyway, fact is fact...
we got to face it someday...regardless when...

1 comment:

  1. that is scar. An uncle also pass on similarly 4months ago. He went to a carwash which is next to a work shop. He went into the workshop to check out the price of the tyre. Dont know how or what happen but he slipped and fell into the hole where mechanic go under the car. Skull hit the concrete steps. end of story. He was a very gentle and kind man.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...