Wednesday, July 16, 2008

All I have To Do Is Blog...

CONTINUATION of blogging obsession....

After blogging about HO CHI MINH City, I received many positive comments from my fellow bloggers here... they make me so happy, thank you very much, my buddy bloggers... Blogging online really has its many benefits, one of them of course is "getting-to-know-you" from people all over the world.

One Blogger even offered to take me around WHEN I go visit Manila.... I m so overwhelmed when I read her comment, I believe she is really sincere about it, thank you.... See how 'song' to blog? It is really wonderful to reach out to people through blogging....

But above all, dont let blogging occupies our minds all the time... leave some space for our love ones who are always beside us, behind us all the way.... dont't be like me....

Sit blog, eat blog, sleep blog and dream blog, blog, BLOG!!!

(wah..wanna count how many 'blog' wordings I used in this post?)


  1. ..lama lama jadi mental BLOCK ed

    yahlor, go on blogging ma. I support u, everyday I come read, whatever you blog, also i read... he he

  2. kam siah, arigatok, saysay,,,, as in titanic, u jump, i jump, in Blogtanic, YOU BLOG, I BLOG..

  3. Chau for yap mor again? But nvr mind.. i setuju with BBH, u blog, we enjoy....:)

  4. hehe..that is why i said u r my hoe pak tong..(bodek) same here too, u blog, i read... blogging boleh!!

  5. Haha.. Blogging is really fun. Once you get addicted to it.. You can't live without internet @.@

  6. its like something is missing when there is no connection to the outside world.. by the way, how did we survive those days without the net?? i wonder..

  7. I've met a lot of wonderful people, not just Filipinos but other nationalities too through blogging
    Hey hey hey, I am sincere in my invitation claire. I hope you and friends can come to Manila and true to my promise to be your tour guide. Yes!!!


Thank you, readers!

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