Thursday, August 28, 2008


HELP, HELP,....I WANT TO ASK FOR A REMEDY to kick blogging habit...I accept ideas from sinsehs, doctors or even great grandmothers' antidote.

Just Now My Bestest Friend "blasted" me...WHY? Cos I have forgotten to do something for her, it was long overdue, she waited patiently for nearly a month ..(poor girl) and no action from me, very sorry ......(Am I that forgetful... *face down*)

"You have been poisoned!", she told me ..... Oh really? Have I?

"Yes, all you think of is BLOGGING ABOUT WHAT YOU EAT but you don't know.... BLOGGING HAS EATEN YOU UP INSTEAD!"

Aiyoh....really ah? Alright, alright, tonight no food blogging....tonight is HER in my blog...

If she sees this, I will be 'bombed' once more but I know she won't... she doesn't read my "poison" blogs ........*sly laugh*


  1. Go shopping, play badminton, watch some tvb serials and..have some good food...haha...That will move your focus away from blogging.

  2. wah ... chau for yapp mor!!

    Ok.. starting tomorow dun blog.. see how long u can tahan..

    Gooly can count until 13 wo... ok? Not beyond 13 ah..

  3. eeyer, go eat nasi lemak=P sure beta de lo btw lets exchange link. i link u liao=) check it at

  4. Chris, window shopping moe yan one unless u zeng me some Sg. dough? badminton will only resume next month. Food? everyday also eat la.. a must. After food, sure back to internet..that is my job also.

    Gooly, so far, let me see, its 5.30am now, I slept at 11.30pm, so it is around 6 hours I been away from the computer....good or not?

    Nyoman, yesterday baru eat nasi lemak..later, will think of what to eat for breakfast, as for now, hv done adding u..

  5. when i read this post today, it made me laugh... hehehehe, sorry for laughing, but so comical la, ur expression in this post =D

    thanks for my first laugh for today =D

  6. There should be more to life than just blogging, hoh?!

  7. yes blogging is addictive.. they actually complements our lives, but not suppose to take over.. hahaha but sometimes my life is overwhelmed more by my blog and my friends...

  8. actually blogging ah.. it has its goodness and also "badness"... good in a way, we r occupied at home, dont hv to spend money outside and making frens all around the world is so great.. whereas the "badness" of being addicted is we r neglecting our real friends... haha.. my friend used to say I m neglecting her..

  9. hahahac: addicting eh?!

  10. Hi Reanaclaire,

    Thanks for dropping by my blog (",) You have a nice blog too! Couldn't agree more with you...blogging is really addictive, haha. Will be visiting you again.



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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...