Monday, August 18, 2008

My Tribute to Lee Chong Wei

LAST NIGHT all of us were staying glued the TV awaiting for the exciting moment... my expectations of watching a shouting, yelling, screaming and heart-attack-like feeling didn't materialise. Perhaps we expected too much from our Malaysian player, Lee Chong Wei...
Last night's game looked like a compeitition between a professional playing with an amateur.... my heart goes out to Lee Chong Wei...he felt so helpless and lost...i guess he never felt that before. He has defended himself well, tried every different move and yet, he was like driven to a dead-end, blocked...each move he made, he got 'bashed'....

On the other side, Lin Dan has played to perfection, I guess no one expected his different kind of moves last night........He was so super fast, super aggressive, super smart (he knows all Lee's moves), he played in super swift moves, he was like flying in the courts like Superman and now he is Super Dan.... He was practically error-less last night, A-perfection....Never seen him playing to this kind of level before...

Anyway, I still feel Lee Chong Wei has achieved something great for his country, for at least now Malaysia has a silver and it is at its 52th position.

Thank You, Lee Chong Wei.


  1. Malaysian athletes are mentally weak. Always crack under pressure when it matters most. But still he did well to get so far. Hope we redeem himself with more super series titles this year

  2. yes, now looking forward to other badminton super series.. and i think KKK/TBH pair is going to split up .... this is the furthest they can go...

  3. Malaysians shouldn't play badminton because they make me frustrated with one defeat after another. *punches fist*

  4. Hope they are not too old for Gold in London!

  5. anywhere i think our malaysia athletes already try their best even just get silver medal only especially Lee Chong Wei. He already try his the best the best already.V proud of him even his performance not quit so good, may b he so tired to come to the final journey.
    Anywhere thx for Lee Chong Wei to present his medal for M'sia.
    Add oil, Chong Wei n dun give up.Is not u r weak, is Lin Dan lucky only.
    Malaysia Boleh! Chong Wai boleh!
    C u in London 2012...

  6. haha..dont punch fists, yling... its our malaysian mentality, we r not as strong as the china ppl, yes, hope they r not too old for the london olympics...
    lahatboy, so u agree with me too? yes, no doubt he didnt play well but i think he has tried his best, lin dan was too good last night, he read chong wei's games but cw dint.. LD played all out to win his first gold, well..he was really good last nite, no doubt about that..

  7. Yup. Good job, Lee. You have done your best. :D

  8. He's pressured, can see from his face, else he can give Lin Dan a fight. This is not the way he usually played. Yeah, I agreed mentally, Malaysian players are weak. Even his gf also cannot get 1 point to win the second set when under pressure. Just like his sifu, Misbun. Malaysians will always be bridesmaid.

  9. but i still feel Lin Dan was playing differently that nite, caught chong wei off guarded.. he changed his tactics...

  10. Well well well...up at top hard to withstand the cold...LCW only has a miserable crowd to cheer him on (may be less than 50) and he is trembled by the china ROAR of a thousand... I still say he did ok, have room for improvement la...
    I have a suggestion: Let LCW and LD each train a student so they can fight again in another olympics, just like the old times sifu....hehehe.

  11. lol i have got to disagree with a lot of people here bah. have you people heard those cheers? very very loud cheers for lin dan during the game? thats scarry, and i kinda know hows the feeling. its very obvious that cwei wasnt playing like usual, not even near, and plus the gold medal pressure etc etc. i think thats why he lost. ;) come on, hes still our hero. yeah? ;)

  12. yes, he is still our country's hero eventhough he lost badly... when i tuned in to RTM, it was so noisy compared to astro... indeed it is not easy to play during that moment.. kudos to him..

  13. after reading yr post, i can now feel for chong wei.. tho i was really disappointed.

    i guess all is not lost.. and cw has to train to be no. 1. i think if he played his heart out in this finals, he can :)


Thank you, readers!

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