Friday, August 8, 2008


Went to town around the clock
Looking high and low for red clogs
Finally found you in one big block

Why did we go looking for clogs? Well, Lynn is getting married this month, she must have a red-red pair of clogs for her wedding and she has to keep them in her bedroom too...Why?
Well, correct me if i'm wrong... when she gets married, she must take along a pair of red clogs with her to signify that she is an obedient daughter-in-law who will abide to her in laws' and will serve them faithfully....(awww..can u do that, Lynn?)

The bride-to-be trying out the red-red clogs

Bride-to-be beaming with her clig-clogs...(be fifial, my dear)

Clig-clog, clig-clog, now you are in my blog....


  1. wooh..... me too fat ... i wan keep fit start from now b4 my wedding i still have 22days time for me to diet

  2. haha.... dont worry, as long as u r healthy, that is all that counts... ok, we go for less oily food ok?

  3. wah... congrats to ur friend! i never heard of this "adat".. wow!

  4. is a traditional wedding!!!

  5. no way am i going to wear that! :-D come on, it's 2008!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...