Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Second Prince....Andy

Thanks to Andy, my second prince, our computer is now almost back to normal, just a little bit more downloads to do as it is now, I cannot download any pictures from my camera yet... I got to wait till he is free first, he is practising his Maths for tomorrow trial exam. Mama here cannot go disturb him, if anything wrong were to happen in his test tomorrow, I will be at fault...

He has spent his whole afternoon reformatting the computer.... and having done it, he said the table was so untidy. To my astonishment, he quietly tidied everything up on the big table as well as the computer table and now it looks like we have just shifted in.

When it comes to tidiness, Andy is the systematic one....he reminds me of his father and his father's character had now lived in him. His father was the tidy one who couldn't tolerate messiness and now his son is following in his footsteps (hopefully), his room is never in a mess as his mama's. (oops.. secret disclosed)

Anyway, Andy, if you are reading this, mama is giving u a thumbs up for tidiness...... and will you please get back to your room and study????


  1. hi claire thanks for the visit... have a great weekend ^_^

  2. haha~~glad to hear tat ur pc bcom normal la...
    hope can see ur pic soon~~

  3. can ask him to tidy up my room too when he visited spore next time. :)

  4. sure Chris.. can we borrow yr room for 3 nites? chui tor, belanja u makan ... december, we r going down... can or not?


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...