Monday, September 22, 2008



4.30pm - Immediately after work, I rushed home...changed into my badminton attire, went straight to my mama's place to say hi to her....

5.30pm - Went to take my girl from school...dropped her at home and went straight to stadium.

7.30pm - Back home, feeling exhausted and then Princess told me... her eyes are itchy, watery and a bit reddish, better go see doc before it worsens BUT....

7.45pm - have to send my prince to tuition first. In my smelly attire, I drove Andy to tuition and then to the general hospital... nowadays hospitals open till 9.30pm... thank God.

9.00pm - Reached home, got rid of my smelly clothing into a fragrant one and prepared my dinner, fried rice with the leftover dishes. Took my dinner hastily in front of my pc, munching while surfing and chatting on mic with a chatter... (multi-tasking crazy lady)

9.4opm - Time for me to drive out again to pick up my prince from the tuition centre.

10.05pm I AM FINALLY HOME .... puff...huff... phew... hoe kooi ah!! ( so exhausted already)

Finally can relax...back to sanity and relaxation... my favourite topic.... FOOD

shop crowded as usual...

my 'konloe' noodles...(with sauce only)

accompanied by 5 types of fish balls...


this is my hasty cooking of fried rice cooked with leftovers, not nice but to this hungry me, anything also can...

my blessed meal... thank you, Lord..


  1. Hi Reanaclaire, wow! I have not eaten that dish a long time. Last had it in Ipoh 2002 our last trip back.
    I love this particular dish too as well Ipoh's famous ngachoy and chicken rice.

    I would always stop at Ipoh for breakfast at that place next to Income tax building, I think they called it 'gentings' or something then.
    Luch would be in town...or that nasi kandar at Woodshed or next to the bus station I think opposite the police staion. Only two Indian shops selling that.

    I guess it was always Ipoh and Penang I tend to eat a lot, ha ha.
    Oh ya, haven't played badminton years too.
    Keep well, Lee.

  2. Hmmm... yummy2! ;) hehe.. energetic claire! ;)

    keep it up girl.. :)

  3. You finished work at 4.30pm? Not many office I came across finished at that hour except for my office.

  4. Wah, what a hectic schedule u hv here, almost sme as mine just that am still single, and the food! nyummy!!

  5. Now i shall declare you the winner of Super Mom 2008. One of the conditions to qualify for the said award, nominees must take her dinner at or after 9.oo PM.

    god bless

  6. hi ULee..most of the old time ipoh food are not there anymore, either changed management or the hawkers have long retired. i still prefer the good old days chefs.. too bad they grow old like us :)

    Beck, thanks for coming by, do come and try ipoh food next time. U wont regret...

    Borneo Falcon, only puasa month, my office closes at 4.30pm , after which will be back to 5.00pm.. once a year affair :)

    Vanesa..i guess my time management is not good, if u know how to manage time, it wont be as hectic as mine.

    and Eugene, u made me laugh just now when i read yr comment..not everyday is like that, wow, otherwise i pengsan... haha.. i guess its life and life again as being a single mum and i am still advertising for an unpaid driver and a full time mama..

  7. it's time to get maid!

  8. i feel hungry...yummy i like the pork with soup and chili.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...