Thursday, September 11, 2008

We Are A Family....

WHILE SCAVENGING through one of the drawers just now, I came across this old photo of yesteryears "When I was young".... reminding me of the song "Only Yesterday" by Carpenters....

My Siblings.... I dont remember being close knitted with each other during our younger days, now when I recall back, we didn't really play together as brothers and sisters....funny though... each of us have our own "gang" or "clicks" to play with... as for me, I have my "gang" ie. my next door sundry shop kids, they were around my age. That goes the same for my brothers and sisters as well, they too have their own group of friends around the neighbourhood.

But of course we still quarreled among one another... I remember I used to wear my sister's clothes without her permission and each time she knew, she would scold me like mad... But the scolding was worth it then because most of her clothings were nice, she has a high taste for dresses, even until today. I cannot remember quarreling with my brothers though, perhaps of our gender, they dont't bully us girls.

We were the town people ... town people don't have trees to climb and fields to play football. So naturally, we didn't know how to climb trees nor swim in the rivers then ... the only place we frequent was a children's playground and we could only go with our parents then and not ourselves.

But now all had changed.... our childhood friends had we are a much closer family.... ...our age is not a gap anymore....we have the same passion now, our love for music and for our Lord Jesus Christ .......WE ARE ONE FAMILY....

When I was small....
And Christmas trees were tall....


  1. Nice to remember our yesterdays hehe.
    I love that song too.

  2. yes..carpenters songs are evergreen.. it brings back old memories too.. i love singing old songs, i m one of the oldies but goldies..haha..

  3. Which one is you? The one in the middle?

  4. the one in between with the solemn look ... no smile... like being forced to take picture..this pic will always be a memoir.. for keeps.

  5. it is always nice to find old photos...

  6. Hi Reanaclaire, its always nice looking back to old memories....which is you in pic? 2nd one?
    Hmmm, mini skirt days too, huh?
    Yes, mini skirts, Vespa scooters, cinemas, ABJ snack bar, Spider man cha kueh teow....ha ha.

    Love to hear your memories...real heart warming.
    You stay easy and keep well, Lee.

  7. Hi Claire, I apologised because of still could not explain the method changed the domain. For the problem templete you could download in

    Hope u succesfully!

  8. i used to get scolded by my sister for wearing her clothes w/out permission too! I guess it's a big sis/lil sis relationship thingy, hahaha =P

    do u notice that the fashion last time, it almost the same as the fashion now?
    One piece very short dresses.
    And knee-length socks, for younger girls.

  9. yes yes Via, i do notice .. that is why i post this pic up for the younger generation..the cycle goes on and on .. haha.. cute huh... and the dolly look clothing also comes back now..

  10. Old photos usually have it beautiful memories

  11. Do u frame this pic and hang it on your wall? :-P Most people do, hehe!

  12. wei, claire
    which one i u lei?so classic la the photo.Happy family!

  13. remembering the old time memories...

  14. Raynebow, yes, it was a trend to hang photos on the wall.. eversince we shifted, no, we dont hang any more black and white photos, now all coloured wedding photos only.

    U. Lee and lahatboy, who and where i am standing, lets leave it a mystery. Next time I put the latest picture of us standing then all will know which is which.. yeah, i think i should suggest to my brothers and sisters..stand the same way...before and after 30 years...wah...lau..

  15. i really love the song. =) by the way i love the pic. it's vintage. hope i have something like that too! memorabilia. ^^

  16. haha...i remember this pic. I think it was hang on the walls right? eh, next time you post the extended family pic la, which got me as a toddler. hehe..(i always feel young here)
    Very nostalgic and priceless indeed. Btw, try to digitise the pic. I know some photo studio in Spore did that, to digitise and restore old priceless pics,so that it can kept forever.

  17. this one is a 3R picture, the one hanging on the wall, i am also wondering what happened to it.. shifted houses 3 times... now got to crack head where it is now.. must ask the big mama.. ok, will try to look for one of u in the pic with your outstanding "landmark" hehe..

  18. HI Claire, you are so fortunate with elder brother and sister, and younger brother and sisters. Being in the middle must be fun. Sibling that takes care of you and those you can bully. Hehe

  19. your post reminds me of my dad! the pics, the songs, childhood stories. and you know what, i'm a big oldies fan!
    "when i was young, i listen to the radio, waiting for my favourite song..." -- yesterday once more, carpenters

    "when i was small, and christmas trees were tall, dududududu..." -- first of may, beegees

    these are all my favourite songs!

  20. so, where were you in that picture? were u the youngest? very nice keepsake:) thanks for sharing & the memories! they're worth billions of fun and happiness:) oh...okay, sorry I just read it, u're the one in between, hehehe...

  21. That was a good way of remembering your relationship with your family. So nostalgic with the black and white family picture! ;)

    By the way, I tagged you with a meme. I would love to know your quirks by posting some of those in your blog. ;)

  22. wow i really like this picture. very retro indeed!


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