Saturday, September 20, 2008

Kiasu Me..

I think I was overly emotional this afternoon...because of the word KIASU (hokkien word meaning Scared of Losing Face)

My outstation buddy and I were chatting happily on the net when the topic of our finance came up and she suddenly commented that I am all along "kiasu" type. Kiasu?

I was kind of surprised and shocked at the same time because all these years, it had never occured to me that I like to compare myself with others... My concept is to spend within my limits.. i dont like to be in debts to 'show-off' nor pressuring myself to be above others. I am actually very contented with my life as it is now so much so, some enterprising frens used to tease me that I shouldn't be so contented with what I have now. But I am...very much blessed and thankful....

So, naturally, I was taken aback when she said that, of course, she has the right to an opinion, as quoting Simon Cowell, it is just an opinion. Right... but if I am the kiasu type, I wish to amend my ways and I need her to tell me what I have done so that I can analyse myself to change for the better. I am not being defensive but I think I should be given a chance to justify why I am being labelled "kiasu". I just need to know....

Friends said I have changed, comparing those early years of marriage and now... circumstances have change me, I admit that, from a dependant blur lady to one that is now more aggressive and bold. Being independant is being "forced" upon my life...

I have already lost a big loss in my life...

Defeated and Deflated, I have gone through....

There is nothing to "Kiasu" anymore....


  1. Thank you for the visit Claire. I learned a new word from you today, "Kaisu". Is that Malaysian?

    Btw, please visit my other blog too

    Have a nice day!

  2. That is really awakening moment but then, whatever "they" say about you, don't get affected coz it can only shaken your normal life. Just be who you are and I got your point that you are just realistic and I don't think that you are KIASU. Cheer up.

  3. Hi Claire,

    People say things for different reasons or motives. Perhaps, it would be good if you ask yourself why she made that statement.

    Me thinks, we are who we are. Nothing can change that.

    If Kiasu denotes a negative vibe, throw and blow it away in the wind and say as you do, "Kiasu word, leave me. Go where you are most appropriate".

    It might just work:-)

    Cheeers Claire!!!

  4. thanks my frens..
    at that moment, i felt kind of mixed shock and surprised.. now i m ok.. will not let it affect me and at the same time, analyse myself if i can remember... otherwise,like lotusflower said, just blow it out since it is not in my character... sometimes it takes another to point out one's mistakes and weaknesses then only i can improve on my own character. learn from loses and accept with humility.

  5. Sometimes we are way too far to negatively judge a word or label. Or perhaps we did it overly to pretend that we are not the one we think of. Free up your mind. Cheers!

  6. Hi! It's is really disappointing if we are looked upon by other people on a negative way. It is a known fact however that you can't please all the people all the time but you can surely please some of the people some of the time.

    For certain, not all those who knows you look at you the same way as that buddy of yours. Smile!

  7. Sorry Kiasu Girl, I have to hijack this post to let you know I have exposed you to.....

    They were talking abt PCK in Miri.... Don pray pray, huh.....

    Hope you get curious 'hits' from this oil city.....

  8. now u r owing me copyrights royalty? ok, i kiv first.. wait till i see u, then we calculate.. :)

  9. girl. i know this post kinda old.. :) but like to leave comments sometimes.. ^_^ hmm i shouldnt miss this one.. :P great post tho! ^_^

    Friends said I have changed, comparing those early years of marriage and now... circumstances have change me, I admit that, from a dependant blur lady to one that is now more aggressive and bold. Being independant is being "forced" upon my life...

    I have already lost a big loss in my life...

    Defeated and Deflated, I have gone through....

    There is nothing to "Kiasu" anymore....

    well claire; who cares wat others think rite..? keep it rolling! ur life.. ur smiles ur desires.. everything.. its all up to u.. "its juz an opinion" okay! so leave it! ^_^

    theres something there.. courage! u'd deals with prob, stuff, bla bla bla.. u name it.. still; u here.. standing.. so its cool! u're not 'kiasu' btw.. but if u do; then its a personality dont u think?

    (i actually still blur bout the meaning of 'kiasu' itself.. if its mean: scared of losing faces.. well i think i am.. kiasu~ :P but o well.. doesnt it a one of the "personality"? huh? so tell me hun~ wat so bad about it anyway? ;)

    ^_^ i love ur post! i should look for it.. earlier! LOL.. dear me~ haha!

  10. spymama don't believe in kiasu-ism. everyone sets his or her limits. so dont worry if she thinks you are kiasu. in fact no one needs to explain anything. it's a matter of 'my choice versus yours. my views versus yours'.

    when a person is worried about not being able to catch up, its easy to sum up the other as kiasu. it is a defendsive word for her, not you. but there may be others who are always running. so would that make him kiasu? no, because it is individual preference.

  11. i think being kiasu a bit is not bad - its to ensure we dont go astray. but of course, we shldnt go overboard.

    ive seen a fair share of kiasu ppl - comparing with me personally, or strangers who are super kiasu cutting into lanes, or rushing for things without bothering about other ppl.

    i doubt ur such. if not wrong, ur just more concern not to be left out but not the kiasu till dont care about others :)


Thank you, readers!

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