Sunday, October 19, 2008

Worshipping God

Ever feel down when it turned out not what you expected it to be? Well, I did.. I was feeling that way when my worship leading was not what it turned out to be...

Yesterday, we had a good and exciting time practising the songs in church before today's morning service. Everything seemed to be going on smoothly yesterday and we were looking forward to lead worship this morning in front of the congregation.

I don't know exactly what happened, suddenly, I lack the confidence in doing the "echoing" and it didn't turn out good, in fact, it was bland during that particular song. I don't know why I couldn't follow up with the "echo" on that song....I felt very disappointed, I still do...

Just now I received a sms from Jane, my pastor's wife, complimenting us of the worship... I didn't feel better, in fact, I replied that I hope to do better next time, thanking her.

Shortly after that, these words came to my mind... it is not the worship that counts, it is the focussing on God that matters.. When we worship, it is more important to focus on God and not just sing with our hoo haa voices...

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