Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Koo Kien Keat, Tan Boon Heong and Me...

MACAU BADMINTON OPEN was over last week.... at last the Malaysian men double, Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong, managed to to emerge as winners and ended their 11 month title drought. Hopefully, yes, hopefully on the 26th October in Denmark, they will continue to conquer all.. (sorry to sound pessimistic, I dare not expect too much from these 2 guys) nevertheless, I still like to keep track and really longing to watch them play on TV live telecast.

Talking about badminton, I took a picture of my own racquets just now. Notice the difference?? Besides the colour, I mean... yeah, yeah, u got it right.... BROKEN STRINGS, hor...(geng or not)

Though my standard not even an inch near Lee Chong Wei, it is indeed an achievement to play badminton till string is broken... (first time in my history)

Oh, by the way, it was not me who noticed it...

the young chap whom I was partnering with, told me..
"Auntie, your string broken already.... "

On impulse, I looked at my shoes... I thought he was referring to my shoe strings..


  1. Hey, you use RSL racquet as well. What model are you using? I am using Heat 7160.

  2. By the way, strip all the broken string as soon as possible. I been told it will affect the racquet frame. Make sense also since there is an imbalance stress at certain area now

  3. oh really? ok i better cut them off now..thanks for info.. i was thinking i leave it like that cos i hv a spare racket..
    the broken string one is rsl millennium 4 Ti 4120... not so expensive type.. around 120-140rm..

  4. Agree with u, I do not expect too much from them both...

    They are very unstable...

    Hey, KL here hard to find RSL racquet, mine is Prince brand.

    If you know please tell me, I m looking for it, and Gosen also....

  5. Shawn, I dont know whereabout in KL, i m from IPOH... i bought them from my fren's shop but i m sure they can be obtained in KL... gosen brand too, over here in IPOH, they have..

  6. Hi Reanaclaire, I love badminton, playing as well watching, but pity here its ice hockey and baseball.
    Nobody interested in badminton.
    Sure miss watching the Thomas cup, European cups too. Lee.

  7. Yup, I agreed with borneo. Once your string is broken, cut away all the strings immediately else your frame will crooked. Bring a small scissors everytime u played.

  8. btw, my racquet is Yonex Armotec 700. haha..... LIn Dan used that before...

  9. NOW I REMEMBER..u r a good player, chris.. so when r u going to change yr racquet.. i go down sg this dec to take from u..

  10. Yer, so nice lar! I knew nothing about badminton. I am clumsy like an elephant!!

  11. aiyo.... i just got my new racket..cost me $S230+ (fully subsidies by company) ...hahah..

  12. nv mind..i go ransack yr apartment and perhaps can find some used ones u dont wan already... hehe...
    btw, make sure yr apartment is cleaned ah..when we go... ken or not?

  13. heya u really are a true blue badminton fan (and for malaysia as well!). nice :)

    on malaysia's badminton, i think we need to do something to make us no. 1 again. my best memories are still in 1992 and maybe 1996 :)

  14. Quachee, why 1992 and 1996? Sorry to say that I was not in badminton yet that time... i havent bought my pc yet and didnt really keep track of the players yet, though i watched them performing only when rtm telecast.

  15. 1992 was because when malaysia won the last thomas cup outing. it was really fantastic. the atmosphere was intense! :)

    the players then were like rashid sidek, razif-jalani, foo kok keong. we also won our first bronze that time thru razif-jalani.

    our players were world class!

    then in 1996, soon kit - kim hock won silver in olympics :) it was the second best highlight because we also won 1 bronze if not wrong thru rashid sidek. soo beng kiang-tan kim her also entered semi finals (i thought they won a bronze too).

    anyway, at those years (1992 - 1996), our players were very consistent and featured prominently in the competitions :)


Thank you, readers!

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