Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Feet! Reflexology

YESTERDAY LONG LUNCH BREAK... CB and I couldn't up our mind where to go and just thought of going for a light snack. After parking the car in front of a big reflexology sign, the idea came to my mind....Since I was "working so hard online", I decided to go for a massage, Foot Massage...(smelly legs, hongkongkiok, i m thinking of u now..) ....

Upon entering and enquiring about the prices, we entered a special corner to wash our "smelly" legs.... (*grin*)....not smelly la.... but to soak our legs actually...

eh, eh.....this is not exchanging "powder", u know...
my fren was just choosing which spices to soak her legs...

spices powder being poured into that leg basin
the legs awaiting for instructions..

aha..this armchair was very comfortable..
can recline to doze off...
*yawn* I couldn't wait to snooze off then...

my pretty attendant posing for us....
can smell something "nice" or not? CB enjoying the technics of massage here..
as for me, after this picture, I just closed my eyes... and enjoy the bittersweet pain massage..


  1. hahaha...what an should pamper yourself soetimes..

  2. frens use to say that. we work outside and bring back food so we should treat ourselves once awhile.. haha..

  3. i'm curious why smelly legs refer to HK there haha... neway, if a guy massage my leg i sure "enjoy" till tears flow from my eyes... T.T

  4. ~The last time I did my foot reflex was before I'm pregnant early this year..huhuhu..can't hardly wait to do it again..after my deliver..u shud try body massage after this claire~ ^-^

  5. yeah..i should.. yesterday they told me got promotion rm88 for 1 hour leg and 1 hour body massage.. not bad huh? will do of these days..

  6. I usually go for back massage. There is once I nearly shout due to pain from foot reflexology

  7. yes, it can be quite painful, that was why i put bittersweet... nevertheless, i enjoyed it.. pay to enjoy.. haha..

  8. you are lucky my friend :-0 i can not pamper myself like you do ;-) maybe someday

  9. wow.. so nice. reflexology.. you deserve a nice reflexology after working for so long.. ahaha.. sure very shiokk one. ahahha. will it be expensive?

  10. yes, once awhile go la.. now foot reflexology is a trend here, perhaps too many stressed and tensed up people, so to release tension and working pressure, many are resorting to massages including me..
    but cannot go often..once a month might be good, if got extra cash, once weekly is better...
    for one hour, it cost 35-40rm..
    ie. $10.00 .... cheap or not cheap?

  11. pampered! I also want....
    Usually after the massage, u will find that your foot is very light!

  12. yes..u r right..very floating in the air.. ha ha..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...