Thursday, November 27, 2008

New Food In Town

LAST NIGHT the 4 ladies took dinner at Coco's Cafe in Ipoh Garden near to was our first time there. There was only one table being occupied eventhough it was already 8pm. It didn't give us a nice impression of the food but the ambience was beautiful. The deco is special and reddish all round.... but the food...I will give a rating of 4/10.

Since we were hungry and was drizzling outside, we didn't want to change venue and just ordered from their "tattered" menu... sorry to say that.. but it was indeed not a presentable type of menu...

we were hungry so we ordered nasi lemak...
(for dinner? we must be kidding, right?)

this is crispy noodles... not so nice actually...

claypot rice... not so nice too.... but since we were hungry..
well... anything also can...

loe shu fun in small wok....ok la...

a bowl of ABC soup for each of us...

followed by a scoop of ice icream... funny dinner, right?

this is the cafe... when we left, the place was quite full..

well, as for me, I don't think I will go there again unless...I am really hungry and there is no other place... but most of all, we 4 ladies had a wonderful time... how wonderful? That is for everyone to guess.....


  1. Hmmm...ya lor, the noodles didn't look very appetizing wor - no wonder u gave it only 4/10 = FAIL lah...omg! I think can cook better at home hoh?

  2. wahhehehe! i think everything's not so nice but u were hungry so everything was nice,lol!

  3. hi claire! it looks like you had some yummy food! =)

  4. This reminds me I haven't taste nasi lemak for ages

  5. Hi Reanaclaire, I like this cafe, very nice. And the dishes look real good too.
    And food always tastes better when shared among good friends and spiced with laughter.

    You keep well and have a nice day, Lee.

  6. The environment looked fine.. but how come the food.. Hmm.. Guess they need to improve on that..

  7. thanks for droppping by my blog..nice food here!!!

    not bad not bad...try to drop by Ipoh next time to eat hehehe

  8. well at least you were in great company!! :)

  9. bring me there la when i come back next time

  10. mm...all of ur pics make me hungry..

  11. hunger makes food nicer, hi claire tell me how many time you eat out in a week, just curious la

  12. wowwww...fooddddddddd... sluuurrpppss..heheh i love food.. and the crispy noodle is my fav :) nnt i turun sana bleh bwk i gie cafe tuh yah ;)

  13. I won eat the New food it is hehe...

  14. eugene, for yr information, i seldom eat out.. only weekends.. the last few days, all birthday dinners.. 3 in a row.. i didnt post in the 3rd one yet... after all these birthdays, i will ikat perut...

  15. OMG! im so hungry right now...i wanna eat , forget the blog for a few minutes..hehehe

  16. totally delicious,now my stomach is calling me.... haha


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...