Thursday, December 4, 2008

Just Wait And See

IN JB AT LAST... now we are waiting to go out for dinner, to while away the time, here I am, blogging as usual. Started our journey this morning around 8.30am, I drove for an hour then AAron took over the wheel all the way to Malacca. We stopped by to meet up with Liliaan for lunch. She took us to this Wison Chicken Rice shop....
After lunch, we stopped by at Secret Recipe... my kids went to Jaya Jusco to look around whereas the mama stayed put to do "Perfect Gifts" post... (deadline ma) but I think I did something wrong. Waiting for them to ask me to resubmit... Well, just wait and see...

Then we adjourned to Multi Media University to look see, Andy is thinking of registering himself there for his further studies. Well, just wait and see...

From MMU to JB, the journey took 2 1/2 hours.. it was raining then.. I took over the wheel and drove prayerfully. Thank God we arrived...

OK, going out now for dinner..wonder what is in store.... well, just wait and see..


  1. Well Auntie, I wish you, Aaron, Andy and your girl (Fernie, is it?) a very safe trip! I hope you get to enjoy this break with your family!

    Andy is thinking of registering in MMU? Ask him to scout around first, Auntie. It depends on what course he wants to do. There are so many colleges and universities around in Malaysia. He needn't confine himself to only MMU.

    Drive safely, and God bless!

    Guo Zheng

  2. Happy holidays and enjoy your break. Glad that you finally got your break after all the hectic work. Ahaha.. :D

    Take care and drive carefully.
    "Siu Sam Ka Sai" (drive safely).


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...