Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Oldies and Still Goldies (I hope)

LAST NIGHT I had a good time getting together with a few of my ex-classmates.... don't ask me how many years we know each other, (*lol*) seems like decades...

We try to get together once awhile, especially occasions like this, when one of them comes back from over-the-sea, then the "leader" will arrange for the get-together meeting and those who can make it will come and have a "bash" with each other...
this is the hang-out we normally go
whenever there is a meeting-up...
MovenPeak in Greentown Centre

the early birds ..
there were around 10 of us actually...

Any the way, we enjoyed ourselves last night, u know la.. when ladies come together, so much to talk one..our history or his-stories always pop up....and the list goes on and on.. and On ...


  1. always the good old days.. hehe.. it's so fun to hang out with friends sometimes :D

    it's so great that so many decades d still friends :D and remember each other ahaha!

    Enjoy enjoy :D

  2. yeah, that is why i always tell u.. haha.. treasure the memories.. remember yr frens... looking back, it was great during the school days.. so different from now ..


Thank you, readers!

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