Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Shooting Club Foodie

This meal was sponsored by one of my colleagues when she received her transfer allowance recently. She treated us to this sumptuous meal in Shooting Club, Gopeng Road during one fine Friday... (longer lunch hour on Friday) so we took our own sweet time to savour the food...

claypot curry fish with vegetables...

stir fry fish fillets..

claypot tow foo (beancurd)

fried foo yong eggs..

honey sweet chicken

Shooting Club in IPOH offers lunch and dinner, open for public too. Their prices are quite reasonable with both western and eastern food including steamboat too. It is along Gopeng Road, after Casuarina Hotel... oh, btw, this is not a paid post or even an advertisement..
Just some busybody blogger who likes to eat.. lol...


  1. that post is still pending for approval, when i copy paste the given link i usually click the edit html then, i paste it there...when i click the compose, its highlighted alread

    just check the required links , also the sponsored links should be there too

    goodluck Claire, i hope this time it will pass...if not, keep on reviewing until it will be approve

  2. yeah.. i understand what u meant when u click html first..then only compose.. i also did that..but when it comes to compose, the whole layout changed.. anyway, i dint give up, i tried and tried.. till i got it..but now i cannot remember how i got it done ..haha..

  3. alamax... food that makes me salivate! adui...

  4. the curry fish head looks good sis!

  5. Yummy!!very tempting foods!!\(^0^)/

  6. Such a nice food. LOL~ Yummy! You receommended a lot of nice food to us le ahaha.. all nice nice one... keep it up!

  7. omg... im so hungry! walaoeh! all your fault! uwwaaaaa.... all the good food u showing here! :)

  8. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

    Yummy... The chicken.. Slurrp Slurrp..


  9. Everything looks so delicious.. hu hu hu... I have to admit, food is one of the many things I miss about Malaysia. :(

  10. claire, a actually drooling now with these foods, wahhh, i am missing Malaysia so much!

  11. Those foods looks so homey~i like to eat!

  12. the thing i miss most after my retirement is going round tasting all kind of food with the whole bunch of u , cracking silly dirty jokes and gossiping....i started to feel kind of being left out now, am i turning into another " ar sou" that i use to comment or an outdated housewife...a bit worry now leh....

  13. food like yummy, nyam ... nyam


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...