Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Jelapang Snacky Time

Sunday is a day to "unwind" and relax at home.... while browsing through my desktop, I stumbled upon a folder called "desserts" and I really must show them here... those are my favourite side snacks, something light (do u think so?) and yet so tasty ...

Taken in Jelapang road side stall...

famous for their rojak

and of course, the sauce
to go with the rojak...

now they have this pancake
crispy and hot.... straight from the pan...

and their delicious bubur cha cha
tapioca, sweet potatoes and beans
with santan milk... (sinful?)
(no la.. once awhile ok one)


  1. street food are the best!
    so sleepy, could do with a piece of that pancake.

  2. btul2 ko bikin sya terliur wooo :) happy mother's day to you :)

  3. The Jelapang rojak is a good one!

  4. The only I know about Jelapang is the Jelapang Tol. That's the closest I ever been to Jelapang.

  5. you so love food dont your Claire and hey happy mothers day.

  6. OMG!! the rojak LOOKS GOOD!!!!

  7. jelapang very familiar place to me ler...where is it exactly?

  8. eh.. i 'dun like' u lah.. always tempting ppl with good food post.. haiyo.. me trying to diet here n now.. growling odi... sooo 'dun like' u! :D

  9. hey this pancake look more like indian dosa,see how samll the world is wee all eat almost the sam thing but name them differently

  10. the rojak look nice...and i do love rojak buah

  11. yummy food as usual....happy mothers day

  12. OMG, that pancake is my favorite delicay. I would feel so itchy when I want to have it but can't find one here...(cry)

    Looking at your photo is sort of 'quich my thirst'. Thx for sharing.

    At times, I feel like I want to open a small stall and introduce it to Hong Ki leh.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...