Sunday, May 3, 2009

Food In Free School Garden, Terengganu Street, Penang

While in Penang, we went to the food court in Free School Garden, Terengganu Street. I wanted my kids to eat the grilled chicken and fish wrapped with aluminium foil. It would be the first time for them but I was quite worried that they might not like spicy food as much as I do.

this is the Golden Pomfret...

barbecued chicken in black pepper gravy
my sons' favourite

claypot curry fish head
my fren ordered this cos he loves the curry

another two more seashell dishes that I didn't take but overall, the dishes were quite spicy. True enough, my girl did not enjoy them as much as we do.... she cannot take too spicy, one glass of ice water was not enough to overcome the spicyness...

Whoever loves hot and spicy food should order these.. you might enjoy yourself very much... oh, do remember to bring more tissues.. u might need to wipe your saliva and the sweat.... lol....


  1. Sure is an enjoyable hawker food outing for you... the fish wrapped in foil is a popular item there.

  2. wow..i likee....but if i eat these sure will get another throat infection

  3. i couldnt imagine eating the curried head curry. im not keen on eating things where i can see eyes, legs etc lol

  4. hi rena.........My part of the world.............our food is mostly spicy.........yeah for all you guys out there you sure would break in to a we have these dips that we have with savory bites and they are really really spicy , gives even us hardcore spicey eaters runny noses........lOL.....but you should see us at funny lot we will keep mutterin ghow spicy it is and keep have a nice day and i think the chicken realy photographed well.

  5. hmm.. mouth watering! like that kare-kare looking one , :-)

  6. food food i am so hungry lol

  7. Ooo..i like hot & spicy food. And my favorites is curry fish head lo.

  8. err...borrow me your tissue. im salivating already :P

  9. hehe...ok i borrow u.. then u lend me back... then u borrow me... u lend me back.. apa macam ? tak faham la.. haha...

  10. Nyum-nyum!!! I want!!! I die for spicy food :)

  11. i have a craving for hot food these days. must be because my tongue is feeling tasteless after recovering from flu.
    these look so good. lucky i just ate indian curry chicken. haha.


Thank you, readers!

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