Friday, May 1, 2009

Slumdog On My Mind Again...

While waiting for my son who was undergoing orientation in the college, my sister and I rushed to Queensbay Mall which was just 5 minutes drive away. Despite the heavy rain, we managed to find our way to the place, to our relief....why? Because it was already 10.30am and with empty stomachs since the previous night, both of us were like "dying of hunger", I felt like fainting too after so many hours of driving and puffing here and there..... (exaggeration here a bit, ok!)

Anyway, thank God we found our way to the mall without losing the way. Very quickly, we went straight down to the Lower Ground, I remember most eatery shops are there... but to our dismay, most of the shops were not opened yet at this hour, Oh Gosh... so-so hungry just by looking at anything...never been so hungry before...(I wonder how I could go fasting like that?)

Then we saw Secret Recipe, just opened....
went straight in without hesitation..

ordered a piece of carrot cake first..
asked them to serve it fast fast...
let me tell u.. my first bite...
hhhmmmm... best in the whole world!

my sister ordered lagnase/lagsana/lagsane?
whatever... it looked so famishing!

this was mine... black pepper chicken with rice...
normally I won't be able to finish...
but that morning?
I walloped till only bones were left!

Oh, by the way, after watching Slumdog Millionaire, this plate of brownish thing looks rather familiar.....huh? hihihihi.......


  1. Hi claire. Thx for still dropping by. :) Been so busy cari makan with the current crisis no time to bloggie lah. Thats y had a ood break during Songkran, relax by the sea side. But then after Songkran so busy that didnt even bother to post. Anyway, another month and the project is over. Meanwhile take care. CY.

  2. nice ke the food in secret recipe?

    Wah.. so good raining at Ipoh...

    Here.. Selangor hot like in the hell...

  3. no la..that day rained in penang, not ipoh.. ipoh is sstill very hot stuff..haha..

  4. hey Claire, when u do ur "business", ada sama colour kah? kakakaka.....

  5. that is why i said familiar..hehehe

  6. oh this looks so good and a woman after my own heart ordering her cake first ;)
    take care irish daisies

  7. wah....wallop the whole thing until left bone ah...i like secret recipe food actually...their food taste is nice

  8. i havent watch slumdog millionaire..
    quality of secret recipie food seems decreasing..

  9. claire you are obsessed with that scene of slumdog...........control did you finish that dish with this inmind......I would have been puking away.

  10. oh i haven't watched slumdog yet. going to watch it soon :D the breakfast look delicious.

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Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...