Tuesday, May 19, 2009

No Meaning Without YOU...

What is the meaning of Darn? I don't really know the meaning..but i m going to say it anyway, "Darn, oh DARN!"

Today is the second day without Internet service in the office!! mana eh sai... where got meaning?? No meaning, definitely! Know what? Time really crawls when there is no connection.... In fact, veli-veli Torturing...

Without the connection, communication has come to a standstill during the day... I lost contacts, I couldn't read my bloggers' blogs, I couldn't say HI to them, everything seems to be lost (that goes my side income too...sigh...)

Now I am home, I am not going out ... From now till my midnite bedtime, I will stay glued here if possible, to make up the "lost time" during the day...

I am still keeping up to my motto name....


(Telekom man, please come by tomorrow??)


  1. So, you too are "incommunicado"? Hmmm... :D Cheers lah! Go watch TV, read a book/newspaper, or gossip, or or... or write your stuff in a piece of paper then transfer to your blog. ;)

  2. no la..now i m at home, i will utilize my pc till bedtime... tomorrow will be another boring day in the office..
    but on the brighter side, i m thankful i still hv an office to go to, right?

  3. Hi Claire,
    Tx for stopping by at my page.
    Really glad to be here.

    The most difficult of having the internet connection is, NOT having them :)

    I've already switched to P1 GreenPacket.

  4. Hahahhaha...you are really a blogger!!! (Jeez... I am talking to my self too ^ ^)

  5. haha....cathJ..welcome to the crazy blogger club... me the chairman.. craziest in town...

  6. I cannot stand it when the connection is slow or non existent! It will irritate the hell out of me! But if really no connection, what to do? I'll read my books or watch TVB series lah. Haha!

  7. Internet is the bestfriend of all bloggers and I understand that--be thankful,Claire!You still have an office to go lol!!\(^0^)/

  8. Hi Reanaclaire, I believe "darn" is a diplomatic word for the one that ends with 2 m's, ha ha.
    Why? What happened to the connection? Hit by virus?

    Yes, I can imagine everything stops when computers go down.
    Wow, you sure enjoy blogging, ha ha, eat, sleep...
    Have fun, Lee.

  9. visited you here, i have added you in my blog. Would you mind adding me too?
    Thanks in advance.
    Have a blesed day Claire!
    God bless.

  10. hehehe can try to take again your blog addict test, u may score it with flying colours! :p

  11. So got internet connection already??

  12. TM really sux... I got a friend who waited for 2 weeks to her internet connection hook up. Good luck, sis.

  13. office one that is not working la, house one ok. Now in office but using my hp wifi. My desktop one is not working. Sigh.

  14. You are one true blog junky, am glad you are enjoying it, that's good.

    dont stay up too late though, otherwise your boss might catch you doing cat naps in the office.ya

  15. hahaha....there is remedy to that, you still can blog using your cellphone...

    I did that specially when we travel for so many hours, I blog using my phone, though limited, at least its doing okay LOL.

    You can also use tweeter...through your phone , so, you still can keep in touch

  16. by the way, added all your blogs in my 3 blogs, yo can check it out...add my new blog too please:

    I have time to update now, PPP suspended me because they thought I was holding the URL of my paidpost which I am not. I have 6 post that the URL was broken, it came to error....that was when my pc was crash...i just found out that some of the posts were not published properly. My suspension is up to next week Tuesday. They won't listen....its okay with me though. I am trying to get my PR higher....i have time.

  17. hehe...i got disconnected a few times too and it felt like 100 years. :)

  18. So, did the TM man came today? :)

  19. IT IS 4.55PM NOW.. yes, finally.. he came and got it done at last... anyway, going home soon.. so tomorrow will be back to normal in the office..so much backlog of office and PERSONAL work.. :)

  20. i like ur mana eh sai!

    Can I steal it and use it in my blog?

  21. WAH!
    ur boss remove ur connection because he wants u to communicate with ur other colleagus and not the computer.. he want more "noise" in the office ma.


  22. i know u mean with eh sai.. cos without internet life while working is like so .......dead.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...