Friday, May 29, 2009

Ugly And Annoying?

As you all can see in my chatbox, one person wrote "Ugly and Annoying" ... I do not know who he/she is but I hope that the person will understand that this is my personal blog. Sorry that this person finds this blog annoying and hope he/she will not "torture" himself/herself anymore by coming by......

Ugly? Ok, I can accept that definitely... UGLY is not a weakness... Ugly means not beautiful.. no harm done on that one... BUT do remember ... we are all God's creation and everything that He creates are wonderful and beautiful AND I am sure each and everyone of us have our own uniqueness and beauty somewhere .... somewhere.... right?? ahem..ahem....


  1. Don't be upset with the nonsense, they are some of them just fooling around.

  2. Ayooo... my fren... I get that too ... you know what that means you are famous already lehhh....hihihi...that person so jealous at you!! For me its a positive thing my fren....:-D

    Maybe that person is having a bad PMS...;-p

  3. Ya ya.. don't be upset with this person... he/she may not seen the beauty of everything GOD created, and only see the ugly side of it... Annoying? say who? hahhaha...

  4. u know wat? dat yucj is making much effort to visit ur blog! how 'ugly or annoying' u are, dat fella cares so much bout u! LOL!.. i think it is dia punya attempt to get ppl to go into dia punya blog ler..

  5. Claire, whoever that person is...just shrugged your shoulders and keep your happy disposition...

    About your question, just click your dashboard - settings-publishing and follow the instructions. You can buy your domain for $10/year. If you need anything, just visit me okay?

  6. the idiot probably thinks it's fun to write such thing in your chat box. plus...he/she is giving you lots of traffic by coming to your blog :D

  7. dont worry about him/her,, let the steam go and it shall be forlorn

  8. thanks guys.. frens...beloved bloggers.. thanks for coming by to ease me up a bit.. it is really annoying to rec remarks...
    famous, CathJ? that is hilarious.. well, so many types of people in this world.. cannot please everyone...right?

  9. haha... i think all tis prank only la... too free :)

  10. i dont know Irene.. hope it is...

  11. Many sick people in the world - not quite right in the head. It's true what you said - don't bother to come anymore lor! Like restaurants - not nice, first and last time! No need to make a scene... Civilised people will not do that!

    But if people say that about me, may be some truth in it. I'm ugly and annoying! Hahahahahaha!!!

  12. u r beautiful in God's eyes...
    All of us are special n unique.. :)

  13. "do not argue with idiots, it will only bring you to their standards." hahahaha..have a nice day~ and keep on blogging!

  14. stp..u r not... we r more or less straightforward people..bla bla anything that comes into our minds..

    Little Lamb... amen to that...

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  16. Wah!~ how come those ppl like tat... gosh!~ Don't bother what this person wrote la..

  17. yeah..claire femes jor! got ppl spam cbox..

    u know we are here and we dun think what that ..that..that...(trying to hide Hkk's vocabs) nincompoop thinks..

    gooly pledge support to claire!

  18. hehee....with goolymama by my side, i no sked jor... she will "oooooohhhh eeeee ohh.. " *she thumps chest* and swings over my rescue.... hor? hor????

  19. no need to give a damn to those lousy comments...

    this kind of person maybe got some kind of mental problem...

    and i totally agree with u, every1 of us are pretty, every1 are born to be pretty 1...

    the only ugly person is the 1 who said somebody else "ugly" lo...

  20. ha? he/she said that?...just ignore him/her, ok...keep cool

  21. thanks chee keong and ms veta... i guess this is part and parcel of blogging.. :)
    coming across all sorts of people from all over the world...

  22. yahaha.. we same problem here.. someone really dun like wut we do :) huahua... suka hati orang la mau tulis apa d blog masing2 kan claire :)

  23. hey claire, don;t care abt that person la!

  24. Ignore it, Claire.

    have a great weekend :-)))

  25. yes, yes... ignored it already after a night's sleep... just want to highlight it to make him/her popular among us bloggers.. :)

  26. That person must be too!! Just ignore it, u are the prettiest and sweetest person in my eye... hehe~

  27. He/She is just plain cruel and ANNOYING.

  28. well i received that before.. lol.. dont worry.. why not deleting them from your chatbox? =)

  29. Just ignore it. She/he maybe had a very bad day.. Keep blogging!

  30. I will get irritate and upset too. the person is just jealous that you have such beautiful relationship with your kids. btw...i left a nice comment for you in the chatbox. ;)

  31. thank you to all who came by to give me some consolation... hope he/she sees this and will not be feel annoyed ... God bless u All!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...