Friday, May 22, 2009

We're Together Again...

Took AA back from campus at around 11.45am... "ponteng" from office so as to beat the traffic jam. The journey took me more than 1 1/2 hours to and the time I reached office, I was beat.

Took Andy from the bus station around 7.30pm... seeing him getting down from the bus was a blissful feeling... My sons have grown up leh... all staying away from their home. Really looking forward to seeing them coming home after a long break....(2 weeks, long or not?)

In the car, I asked Andy about the PTPTN loan (study loan given to students)....when and what to submit.... I was more anxious than him bec' the loan would be able to "lighten" the burden. It cost around 60K for his course.

"So....when are u submitting the documents for the PTPTN loan?" I asked him...
His reply shocked me... "I don't want to take the loan."
"HUH??? WHY??" My voice grew louder than normal, out of shockness and a bit of "panic"

"I don't want .... , no need to take loan" he continued..., my hands still on the steering wheel, I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, and at that moment, I noticed his cheeky grin....

"Hey.. u mean...u got IT?" my voice softened, prayerfully wishing his answer would he YES...

"Yes, yes, mum....I GOT IT!" HE LAUGHED......

Thank you, God, THANK GOD.......

He got the Scholarship for this course....a scholarship I didn't expect him to get bec' there are many others who have better results than him....

All thanks and praise to our Lord for His amazing grace upon us again and again....HE IS TRULY GREAT!!


  1. mm... I will go through all this when my son grows up... *sigh*


  2. Amen! He is truly a great and loving God. He knows your heart's desire. :)

  3. yes, whatever happens, good or bad, continue to give thanks to Him.. He is always WITH US, IN US AND FOR US ALL....

  4. Congrats! so if go penang treat on him ya? hehe...joking joking...

  5. first son is AA, 2nd son is Andy ar..
    what does AA means??

    Congrats on the scholarship.

  6. God provides Claire. That is really a blessing. Congratulations to your son.

  7. Wow! Claire, now you nonid to scratch your head to pay for his fees. LOL... congrats to you and your family! =D

  8. Well, i bet it's not the JPA (Public Service Dept) scholarship. Anyway, good to know he's got it. Say congratulations to him ok?

    Now, make sure he studies hard. I certainly don't want him to waste funds the same way my students did. Though the money is "free", there's no excuse to take things lightly.


  9. Wow..this must be a very good news to you..praise Lord!!

  10. yes...thank God for His goodness.. yes, hope he really appreciates it and studies hard to keep up with his results... otherwise, it will be wasted and me have to pay back the sum plus 10 percent interest...
    Though it is only for tuition fees, it helps a lot knowing it is not a loan... now all i have to fork out is maintenance...hahaa.. maintaining him, feed him, give him lodging... etc etc...

  11. three cheers for the scholarship! haha

  12. Congrats, praise the Lord! It's really a weight off the shoulders! My daughter's on scholarship too...

  13. congrats to andy!
    AA means Aaron Andy right? =D

  14. wow...then u r richer now. need not to spend so much. Can belanja makan when im back.

  15. hahaha...i know u r going to say that, Chris.. but one thing u didnt know i m going to fork out more than RM700 per month for his food and about u subsidizing a bit???

  16. Wah Congratulations! This is indeed a very good news. I'm sure ur son will "sang sang seng seng" study hard so that you won't need to pay it back. :D

  17. Well done, Andy! Scholarship dun hv to pay back! ;)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...