Thursday, July 9, 2009

"Congratulations, God-Grandmother"

Early-early morning, I took my young mama colleague to the government clinic for her regular checkup. Of course, we "makan" first... then I accompanied her for awhile before I left for office.

11.30am, young mama rang me, "Can drive me to the Labour Room?" "HUH? Going to give birth now?" my heart thumping..... she said "No, no, not yet." It seems her baby is over-big, extra-big and she was advised to check into the Labour room for a Gynae to scan through.

So I rushed off again to the clinic, picked up the young mama and drove her to the General Hospital one kilometre away. Lazy to go back office, I waited for her at the Labour Room till 1pm, but still no sign of her coming out from the doc's room, I rushed to pick up my girl from school.

3.30pm, young mama called up to say she had to be admitted to hospital for a C-rean tomorrow morning. OH...oh.... doctor said baby too big, risky to put her into labour so have to do an operation the next day soonest... hopefully....

My colleagues teased me.... "Congratulations! U r going to be a grandma soon!" I said, "Yeah, yeah.... how I wish I am... heheee...."


  1. COngrats to the young she ur friend?

  2. It is better for her to go for C-section dy cos the bb is so big in size. 4.1kg wow!

  3. yeah..she is one of my close fren and colleague... click well together, like mother and daughter..hahaa..
    Amy, she is more than 4.1 now.. doc also big bb..

  4. all the best to your friend :) can't wait to see photos of the baby ( will be putting up, won't you?) hehhehhee.

  5. all the best wishes... C-sec is very painful after the operation! I hope her family members are there to help her! It's pain even to get up from the bed!!!

  6. when your friend will deliver?

  7. Ayooo... I still can remember myself that size... I was quite big also..and my boy quite big..

  8. well done, sis. Helping your good friend out.

  9. AARON LAI!!!
    your mum is hinting you!!! =D

  10. Kenwooi, dont frighten him lah! hahaa... hak sei... he wont read my blog anymore..

    yes, today is the BIG day.. we as her frens in the office are very excited too.. me especially, will keep myself updated with her progress.. 8am is the operation, she said... pray that the mum and baby will be fine and healthy..

  11. Send my congratulations to her--quite painful after the operation,though...Best wishes!!^_^

  12. Yalor...renaclaire wanna be a grandma liao!!! Hahahahahaha!!!! So big because of overeating - Chinese always say must eat for two!!! Doctors will advise otherwise.

  13. yes, she is very tired now.. i visited her just now... but... wowow... her baby is so cute.. i sneaked and managed to snap a few pics of the baby...just like the mother's face,,,

  14. wah really a big baby... i cant imagine :o

  15. Tummy sure looks big to me. Wish her all the best and a safe delivery!


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