Friday, July 24, 2009

Don't Stress, Go For A Rest..

TGIF!! For the past few days, working life was very hectic, bossie wanted to participate in a competition, competing for the "Best Finance Management." WTH la... no need to compete ma, after hearing the prize, I lagi no mood to do, but paksa-rela, I must do... WHY? Cos I m not a Bossie, that's why.

Being a "small fly" in the office, I must do what is instructed, so imagine, my workload, to prepare this documentation, that documents, this reports, that reports, figures, working papers...all the yucky dust sticking onto my hair, my hands ransacking the store room for them... ahhh...choooooo... aiks.....

So... justified or not when I went for a Massage? Justified, kan? hehehe.... thus... THIS...

the thai ladies a-waiting...
and saying "lai ...lai..." (come, come)

ahhhh... must wash my filthy legs first, huh?

then baru start...urut...(massage)

urgh.......urgh... aaahhh.....ouch!!!
pain jugak...

then ...
finger creaking..klak klak...

ouch...dont bend so much...

Ok, ok, enough.... this lady must be thinking I am crazy, snapping here and there while she was doing her job... I should be relaxing, right? Yes, in fact, I did have a snooze in between, I only woke up when I felt my hands being "touched" :) For RM40 an hour over, it was not bad..

Oh, by the way, this saloon is in Parkson Grand, IPOH... so... anyone wants to join me next Friday?


  1. wow...i also want's been a while since my last massage. Good for you.

  2. i love massage too.. how i wish i can do that everyday

  3. Yes, it is required to rejuvenate ourselves.

  4. alamak, a blogger will always be a blogger! You are suppose to relax n not blind that lady with your flashes! LOL.. shiok eh? Makes me wanna book my next massage session too..

  5. Hi Tiee, Rachel, Jarlin and Merryn, do go for one.. i hv no regrets paying the rm40/- life is precious so enlighten ourselves once awhile is ok...not everyday la.. po kai then..

    Merryn, u r right..cannot be snapping at her all the time..she smiled for me too actually.. but no need to put her face here..,hahhaa.. i did snooze for a short while too cos very relaxing la..

  6. Wow Claire.. good for you... But I will never go for Thai massage... SAKITTTTTTTTTTT.......... hahhahaha... but my hubby loves it soo much...

    Uhhh I don't want lah... nanti mengangis

  7. jangan takut, Cath J.. this is bittersweet pain.. the more they do it, the more u love it.. hahaha.. trust me..

  8. wowo... nice ah.. and good for you to find an excuse to relax hoh.. muahhaha... :D

  9. hi Lilian..thanks for coming by...

    Cynthia..yeah.. i hope to go again one day.. after all, old bones already ma.. need to knead..hahaa..

  10. we really need to pamper ourselves once in a while.

  11. ahh..nothing like a good old massage to rejuvenate the tired soul ;)

  12. If got pain, then you have a problem!!! You can ask the masseur where the problem lies e.g. your kidney not strong, must drink more water etc etc etc..... I love going for full body massage whenever I can - male! Stronger and no long finger nails and they usually don't talk! That can be a real torture - the finger nails!!! LOL!!!

  13. yeah lo...i know where my problem is.. now doing some "remedy".. Never experienced being massaged by male.. hahaa..

  14. I don't dare to go for foot massage...pain.

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  16. A back massage will also be good too

  17. yes...that would be the full body massage.. i think it is 70rm.. one day i might go for that..

  18. 2 hours of full body massage.. really relax you gao gao.. whole body feel fully recharge after massage.. KL rates about RM80 for 2hours.

  19. this is less than 2 hours, Horlic.. for 40.00, what more do i expect..hahaa.. how nice if i can do that weekly....

  20. Loves these massages in Bangkok. They are everywhere and is very relaxing after a stressful day. But but it is so cheap here, RM12-15 per hour..depends on location. Oh yeah, this is in Ipoh.
    Take care. CY

  21. yes CY, i heard it is very cheap in hatyai or denok..(not sure of spelling) but i havent been there for a number of years now... I would like to go again..only no "kaki" organizing the trip yet..

  22. wao... i can feel the comfort... still never being massage by others before. Next time i should go and try it. hehehe~~ ^_^

  23. I love thai massage and normally i will go for 2 hours body massage!! Foot massage ma, i scare, sometime it really pain ( i know i know, pain means my body is not doing well. :()

  24. Dont laugh at me but I have never tried massage. I am very afraid of the ticklish feeling. Even my husband also seldom massage me. Hehe.

  25. woah claire! you are sure living the life =) enjoying life eh??


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