Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Got Such Cut Or Not?

Are they kidding? I thought I need to change my specs when I saw these prices in a very established hypermarket in Bercham, Ipoh.... I took off my specs and use my "real eyes" to see the prices listed below... Huh, this is called Price Cut, ah? One cent also can? I thought nowadays we no more use sen sen already? I thought all rounded up figure? My goodness, please la.. one sen discount, don't display the banner la....

Price Cut....
No Butts...
Wasted my time, taking off my specs and looking closer to it... couldn't help not snapping them too... :)


  1. looks like Tesco sticker ar....
    but i love tesco....got chance to win lotsa points heehhehehe

  2. yeah, i love to shop there too.. cheaper in certain items esp groceries.. i go there at least once a week...

  3. hahaha this call discount ... OMG!
    Just trick people to buy their things... i sure black list them!

    1 sen discount and round up back to same price too.

  4. one sen cut...better dun cut at all....doink store ler...

  5. Ooo...next time i must really look at the price cut here in Penang hypermarket.

  6. Wahkakakkakakakka.... Claire... Ridiculous discount! hahahhaha....

  7. buang masa je... nvm la.. this is Malaysia!

  8. Oh Claire, ROFL!!!

  9. Probably, I won't see that "sebelum" and quickly grab one and happily go to the counter to pay! Ha, ha!

  10. but of course, there are some discounted items as well, only these 2 caught my eyes when i wanted to get some tin can food, my mother asked me "cheap ah?".. i said "yes, one cent cheaper... " she laughed..

  11. And they call that price cut? Ridiculous!

  12. 1cent?! lol.. yeah` by the time you pay, it rounds up again.

    so what's the difference wor. =/

    regarding, heartbeat.my

    you have to buy one item from them first. then only you entitle to write. =)

  13. oh like that ah... ok, richard.. i will think of what to buy first.. perhaps my girl has better ideas..

  14. oi...u working for who...tesco, giant or carrefour?

  15. Thanks for dropping by my blog and thanks for your warm compliments. You've got an interesting blog and I've added it in my list! Cheers Reana Claire!

  16. chris.. wei.. consumer ma.. cannot comment meh? bila nak balik IPOH?? dont forget the Overseas makan, ok?

    James, thanks for returning visit.. will add u this evening.. sekarang office cannot access into bloggers' profile..

  17. This tactic applies to people like me... never see how much discounted. I'll choose those with BIG BIG tag noted PRICE CUT! hahaha...

  18. wahhh..is that what they call discounted item?? 1 cent??? what can we use with 1 cent?? sweet also cannot buy one..

  19. Cindy, as for me, if i want to use that item, discount or no discount, i just got to take it.. one sen or no sen also have to buy..

    Kadusmama, i dont know whether they display that purposely for us to comment or they actually think that is a discount...

  20. LOL i really like their promotion idea!!! Thanks for sharing! Love it =D

  21. not only that, you also have to be careful when they sell pack-of-2 or pack-of-4. sometimes buying the items individually cost LESS than the bulk packs!!

    wonder if it was intentional?

  22. thanks for dropping at my page...

  23. haha. i've never seen any one cent discount before. looks ridiculous. lol

    anyway, thanks for dropping by my blog ya¬

  24. see how la..maybe sept or oct. u still remember overseas ah? I forgot already.... LOL LOL

  25. Adrian, next time i come across more, i show it here..

    yes, Doc, u r right, sometimes i ended up paying more than usual..

    tomato cafe, keep in touch here.. more to crack...

    Mommy Dharlz, Honey,Sasa thanks for coming by..do keep in touch..

    Chris, make sure u remember, it is in my hard disk...

  26. In the end, if you were to buy both that item, it becomes RM9.68 and still round it up to RM9.70 hahaa means pay back that "PRICE CUT". WOW! What a deal! NOT! Sheesh.

  27. yes.. back to square one.. i also dont understand why they put that sign up.. maybe for us to comment.. :)

  28. that's is really ridiculous. Rounding up figure will be no discount lah...3.89 = 3.90 also lah..

  29. twaswatisaid....hahaa.. same same...

  30. HAHA~~ 1 cebt discount!
    stupid lah them..
    now the 1 sent will round up to 5.80 at the counter also..=.="


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