Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Many Faces Of Me!


This is the best among the worsts... lol... photos can be misleading, u know...
If still not clear, you must come to IPOH to visit me ... lol.. (just joking) who wants to come purposely to see a past middle age wo-man, huh...

Give it some time, yes, thanks for all your comments... To get back the natural look, I will wash my hair daily till all the "straightness" become normal again. Yes, it looks abnormal now, just like yours truly here... oh gosh, why do i sound so vain?

Anyway, for now HERE in my blog, let me enjoy myself being in the "limelight", macam betul-betul being exhibited ... even though it is a farce.....aaahhhh.... lol...

The many faces of ME

hope u all still got appetite to eat ....


  1. yay! thank you for being a gud sport! Nice la! Not disastrous! Dang!I tot I had a chance to be prettier than u tim... :P

  2. hehehe.. i sure cannot bertanding with u.. where it comes to age, i lost... when it comes to words, i also lost..
    when it comes to looks??? hai... speechless.. where can compete with HongKong kiok siew cheh??

    shu sai...shu sai... sigh...

  3. Wow! Nice! Be a good thing to have all the many faces of reanaclaire exhibit. Looks really artistic!

  4. many faces are good. can cheat people.

  5. u look good what. no need worry :) hahahaha...

  6. you look ok what in all the faces :)

  7. that is your new hair style in the second picture? It look nice ar.

  8. long live photofunia.. can put few faces at one time and also not so clear.. hahhaa...

    AnnieQ, putting pic here must put the best.. u havent see the un-nice yet.. :)
    all the un-nice pics, i keep myself..

    well, physical looks are temporary, what is wonderful is to have frens like u all to come by ... THANKS A LOT TO U ALL!! TERIMA KASIH.. SEH SEH....TOR CHAY..

  9. not bad mah your have a nice and gentle face...(^0^)

  10. I see a pretty "leng leng" mommy there wor. You new hairstyle look good also.

  11. *bow my head* thank u, thank u.. but i know how i look like.. anyway, pretty or ugly, we r all specially "created" and each of us have our own weaknesses and our "kelebihan" ...
    (ooopps.. due to flattery, now cannot think properly)

  12. I honestly dont c anythn wrong wth ur new rebonded hair...I did rebonding b4 & itz so easy to manage :)

  13. yes, that is the reason why i rebonded.. it is very easy to tend to.. i think seeing photo and in real are 2 different persons.. in real, i dont look like what in the pics.. my hair is very flat and it is like sticking to the head.. hahaa.. can imagine?

  14. see claire ...many comments it is ok leh! actually nothing weird la. so be patient for a few more weeks, sure turn out lagi natural eh.

  15. few more weeks... yeah..i guess so... haha... wat to do.. sudah buat ma...

  16. Eh, nice hairdo wad, Auntie... I think it' quite a refreshing change!

    Henry Yew

  17. thank u, Henry for coming by.. back to IPOH this weekend?

  18. Ayooo my fren... You look ok what.... jangan lah ckp sampai 'no appetite' you far from that kay?.... ayooo claire... so which 1 is you straight hair???


  19. the one on the bottom left... the right one is curly.. though not visible

    hai.. see the photo and real person is so different leh..

  20. nice leh, your hair! Makes you look younger!!! Like those lenglius... Hehehehehehe!!!! so canggih, can make your photos like that some more. Best lah! Me, dinosaur! All don't know!

  21. STP, coming from u, i m flattered lo.. this pics all modified already ma.. if u want, u pun boleh buat.. go to
    u will see yr handsome face there too... lol...


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...