Monday, July 6, 2009

Thank U, Thank U

Let me tell you about one shop in First Garden which we would like to frequent for our breakfast. There is this particular stall which sells wan ton mee and we nicknamed him "yat koong koong", meaning "bowing with respect." Reason why?

Well, each time we entered the shop, he will automatically greet us with a pleasant "good morning, ladies,come in, come in" and giving a slight bow at the same time, even when he is preparing his noodles.

And when we leave the shop, he will bow again, "tor cheh, tor cheh" (thank u, thank u) few times..... so much so, we called him "Yat Koong Koong."

his wan ton mee is somehow different
not soft type... nice to bite
(if u know what i mean)

it comes with a bowl of meat dumplings (wan ton)

and this additional...
fried wan ton


  1. Yummy!!!!

    and so nice got tauke like that... ^_^

  2. Looks pretty good!

  3. I love that fried wan ton and wan ton soup!!Drooling!!

    Hello there,Claire!!Great to be back here again^_^ btw,love your new header!!\(^0^)/

  4. Wow the taukeh so good... This kind of service even if the food was ok ok only, people will still go back cause they feel good :).

    yummy food!

  5. yeah... the most courteous taugeh i have come across..haha..

  6. aiyoo very polite eh taukeh leh...

  7. geesh these foods looks so yummy...made me hungry! LOL

  8. the wantan mee look not nice leh (colour not even).... hehehe but taste great?

  9. CHVoon, yes, to me taste nice cos not too black and the texture of the mee is to my taste.. hehe...

  10. Look delicious to me..simple and easy hehehe

  11. oh i am so hungry. i love the fried wantons. err...isn't First Garden a bit far to go for your breakfast? i mean from your office...hehehehe

  12. visiting here always makes me hungry!

  13. thank you for coming by, my frens.. next time when u have the opportunity, do come to IPOH to try all the local food here..

  14. oh again. this further convince me to go to ur place and go to all the restaurants and stalls u talked about. that wan ton soup makes me drool...mmmm. sometimes u just like the simplest dish.

  15. it comes together with the wanton mee .. no FOC nowadays.. one plate like that cost 3rm...

  16. Huh! Only 2 pcs of wanton and its RM3. Quite expensive.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...